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I wouldn’t cook it at all, but preferably leave it raw and bite. Here is a very simple beize: white peppercorns, coarse salt and sugar (mixing ratio on request, I have to look in my paper industry). Mix and rub the fish with it, then spread dill (with stunk). 12 hours in the refrigerator on a large flat plate (balcony goes even when it is cold, but not fryed), a board on it and complain (for example with two clinker blocks). Then pour out the juice and return to the refrigerator for 12 hours. Go on. After a total of 48 hours to get the fish out, gently scrape the beize with a coarse knife. Then sprinkle richly with very finely chopped dill tips (this time only the tips). Cut into thin slices with a thin knife (there are special salmon knives). Slightly oblique and from the right side (to the head).
Freshly baked walnut bread (for the recipe I have no more time here) with slightly salted butter.
lg up
Butter and some oil in the pan with small herd setting fish pure when warm/hot rosmarin branch next to spice as popular.
Smoked salmon?
what is fresh or smoked
Do not cook the salmon, but in the pan. With much garlic and parsley. Whether it’s potatoes, pasta or rice, it’s completely snulli. Vegetables may also be, for example, asparagus (beans, carrots or so are unsuitable). A half-dry wine.
It’s like smoked salmon.
Smoked, baked or in the pan are three very different things. But in any case better than cooked.
Much garlic you don’t seem to like fish
What do you think?
Funny, I taste the salmon very well despite garlic. What’s more, I’m throwing him into the sauce rather rough and not spicing the fish.
because this is a mild fish that is fully overlaid by a lot of garlicso that the fish is not to taste, a toe completely with in the pan would be okay
You can either eat it cold or eat it in a warm meal.
In the oven with vegetables and potatoes. There are many simple recipes.
Make some kind of strudel.
How’s that going?
Leaf pastry, fresh cheese, leaf spinach, egg and salmon
Roll out the pastry. Spread fresh cheese on it, spread your “is like smoked salmon” on the fresh cheese, leaf spinach on it. Roll pastry. Brush and get into the oven
Not only! You ask for ideas. I called you an idea, and then you come to me like that
Smoked salmon in the oven? Isn’t it on bread?
Potatoes, cream sauce with dill or something.
You can only heat it, not fry it.
Do you have an oven? Just in there.
Why wouldn’t you be able to fry it?
What envelope?
I eat smoked salmon almost daily.
I did. And that’s why I know the differences.
Have you never bought and eaten smoked salmon and salmon fillet?
So what? Get in the oven or in the pan!
This is a really big thin piece.