Was meinte meine Oma damit?
Ich war letztens in der Türkei zu Besuch bei meiner Oma und als sie mich gesehen hat, meinte siezu mir,dass ich endlich zugenommen habe, damals vor einem Jahr so dünn war fast und am Sterben,so sahst du aus und sie hat dann gelacht.. Warum sagt sie das, weil ich hatte damals eine Depression deswegen war es so als hätte sie kein Verständnis. :/
Was meint sie damit?
The older generations don’t know anything like depression as a disease picture. You had to work and if you didn’t do that, you were a special person and were expelled, marginalized or smiled. This also applies to the western culture. The recognition of mental illnesses as actual illnesses and not as a weak character is something that we still have to fight with today.
People like yours or my grandma have a different look at mental problems. It belongs to the old generation and probably also comes from a rural region. She doesn’t know what she’s doing when she laughs about you being very thin.
She doesn’t mean it badly believe me.. She probably also was worried about you and looked at the old pictures and just laughed like it finally ended up…
I would dismiss this as a “typical oma word” child you are so thin you have to eat feeling eat
…and then food, food, food is made up, so that Grandma often expresses her love and care 😉, according to the motto “Essen holds body and soul together”…