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7 months ago

When shipping to Austria, the maximum sizes for a package size are smaller than the maximum size of this size within Germany.

(e.g. a package M has different maximum sizes within Germany than a package M to Austria)

The consignor didn’t know that. Desha5 chose the wrong package size. Since she paid too little, it went back to you. She wants to send the package again.

The delivery time of a package is about 1 week*. A Pact about 5 days* . (both working days)

(*The statement is based on my experience and may differ from the actual delivery time with you.)

7 months ago

Has’s domestically franked, so it went back

abroad costs more so that the sender now knows and sends it now properly franked

lasts 3-5days normally

is also strangely written…

7 months ago

She thinks she accidentally paid too little for shipping the package, which is why it was sent back to her. Now she sends it back to you, enough franked, so she pays enough to send it to you.

7 months ago

As long as you haven’t ordered drugs, weapons or organs, it will come.

7 months ago

She didn’t have enough franking, so it went back.

The rest is just a wretched chaff and pity. There are no “other sizes for Austria”.