Was meint man genau damit wenn man sagt man kann nix mehr alleine am Auto schrauben?
Wenn man ein Auto repariert oder daran schraubt, was genau kann man denn nicht mehr selber machen? Es wird immer behauptet man müsse wegen jedem Furz zur Werkstatt aber mich würde interessieren was genau man nicht machen kann weil ich es irgendwie nicht nachvollziehen kann.
If you can do it a lot yourself is that in modern vehicles because you have to pay attention to certain things, for example in cars with start/stop not buy a normal battery but AGM/EFB etc. Or in part, the lighting machine must be fishing, etc.
Simple example.
If I need a new starter battery for my Clio, I’ll buy some. It only has to have the appropriate dimensions, volts and contacts. How much ampere hours it has is the car Wurscht. Get out, new ones.
With my colleague, the battery was broken on the BMW (also a few years old). He just wanted to swap them, but – as the car does not accept any battery, he had to buy an expensive brand battery (250 € the cheapest) and thus to the workshop, because the battery has to be learned. If you bought one that doesn’t know the car, then bad luck.
How does this work to learn?
The battery is installed and connected. The diagnostic device is connected to the OBD2 and communicates with the on-board computer.
There, the battery is selected from a list stored in the vehicle computer. The on-board computer checks the values (volt, resistance) of the battery and confirms that it will now operate the car with this battery. Or the values do not vote and the “computer says no”.
Only learning cost another 80 €.
No, learning and calibrating is not possible. Simply read and delete fault memory. This is practical when buying used cars. In the workshop of trust such a readout will cost you 20€
That’s a good question. I don’t know if the app can get into the system to learn something. That’s not what the car manufacturer wants. “Out of joy in numbers, uh, driving.”
But are such things really not possible? An OBD2 plug costs €20 on Amazon. Is ne app for the smartphone for it and the error memory can be read out zb or deleted as well.
I think that can be seen at a glance. You open the hood of a cadet B and my Mercedes W211.
In modern cars you will find a lot of “black boxes” which are not intended for repair. You can only check them with special software, you can then exchange them. But without very special workshop equipment you don’t get far.
On my “first” car, a triumph Spitfire, I could carry out almost all repairs myself. Electronics? Missing! Just didn’t! Computer? Stands in technical universities!
Head seal? No thing, changed in 2 hours. Cross joints on the drive shaft (used 2 times a year) with car lifters express new use, done in 3 hours.
Actually, I was able to do everything that was sufficient for my body power.
Unthinkable today!
Previous was able to go to the real, after list bought the right spark plugs, opened the engine hood, pulled off the spark plug connectors and switched off the spark plugs. You only needed a standard spark plug key. The job was done in 10 minutes.
Today you will only get the spark plugs in the specialist trade or at the manufacturer. Then you open the bonnet and make sure you can’t even take off the engine cover without a special tool. Cables and plugs are dimensioned so tight that everything has to be disassembled. Simply pull off plug is no longer possible. And then you also need a special key to get to the spark plugs to change many cars.
There are so many control units installed in the vehicles that you can no longer easily expand, rebuild or change a lot. This includes a much more extensive knowledge of which ECUs control what, interact with other ECUs, output error messages or even generate errors. Of course, you can still do some things yourself without touching the electronics of the vehicle in any way. But whatever you do, you can trigger a signal at the corresponding control unit that restricts or paralyzes functionality. And then go to troubleshooting!!
Some things have become so complex that without workshop and computer it is no longer possible to do with special software
This specialized software, is it another special software for each manufacturer?
The manufacturers not only have their own software, but in part even different coding within the models. A golf is not just a golf where everything can be installed from 80hp golf to GTI.
You get the software in the darkweb.
Yes, for the most part. Because dealers have different hardware suppliers and requirements
Manufacturers usually have their own software
I honestly don’t care. I want to buy a scrap car and repair it ideally or restore it. The only thing I don’t trust is welding because there are apparently legal requirements here.
Otherwise, I just want to continue and further develop on this subject, but just in the private hobby frame and not professional.
I want to learn to do most of the work myself and if I’m talking to someone from a kfz workshop I just want to know myself what the man speaks and whether he wants to tie a bear to my nose
Workshops can access and work with software from various manufacturers. There is also a “universal software”. You can buy diagnostic equipment even at Amazon, but how good it is…
And indeed there are workshops that do not accept some factories
There are, for example, Chinese cloning software, but I strongly advise you if you don’t want to shoot you.
Do you have to have a free workshop software from any manufacturer or is there a kind of universal software or can a free workshop simply not repair and cover any vehicle?
You can do everything yourself. You just have to trust
In principle, this is even true! Always provided that you have the necessary equipment. I don’t want to talk about knowledge. In the past, a good ratchet box, keys and screwdrivers came quite far. With a stinky measuring instrument and a light bulb, the ignition was no longer a secret. Who called a strboscope lamp his own was already king.
And today?
Well, I could already find using OBD plug that my ignition coil is defective, I could exchange injection nozzles myself and spark plugs. I had fun
It is very much electronic and no longer mechanical.
But I don’t understand that anymore. Sensors and co can also be exchanged as e.g. a broken exhaust or a wheel bearing or a cylinder head seal.
The electrical component can be easily exchanged like any mechanical part
That’s so easy for many things. Almost always the error memory has to be read out with special devices and deleted after the repair. Many sensors have to be fishing to communicate with the controllers. This is similar to a computer when you exchange a graphics card, you also need to install the appropriate drivers.
To discover the broken exhaust, your hearing is enough. You also recognize a defective cylinder head seal. But change the cylindrical head seal without knowing about VANOS or double vanos at 4 valves. VAriableNOcamshaftsScosting.
Then find the error without laptop and suitable software. You can, of course, reinstall everything that depends on this system. The sensor, the control unit, new software for the Can Bus, all 4 impulse rings when what is on the ABS. The camshaft sensor, the air mass meter, the crankshaft sensor etc.
You can change it yourself, but find out what you need to change. For example, a rough motor run does not have to come from the engine itself. The ESP can already sprinkle and the error is there.
Yeah, you can do that, but you really have to do it.
You have to find what’s broken, big workshops have diagnostic equipment that close them, they probably don’t.
Then they are probably more mechanically fit than electronically and can simply be better.
Many components, such as mainly control units, are configured for a chassis number. If this is installed in another vehicle without being correctly “registered”, it will no longer work, for example. This is mainly intended to combat theft and black market.
Since sensors are becoming increasingly complex, this also affects those.
The error memory can be read out and deleted with OBD2 plug and said smartphone.
But you’re right to learn and communicate. This app cannot, unfortunately.
With smartphone and software to OBD 1 or 2, I would also be careful. Manufacturers do not like to release the software for others.
Find a Bosch service, the Esitronic from Bosch fits almost all models, more for those from GM. So Opel, for example, when they were still part of GM.
It is usually sufficient to read out the error memory. An OBD plug zb sends the data from the fault memory directly to the smartphone.
Problems are then encountered with errors that do not appear in the error memory, but even a workshop often has problems tracking down
Have you ever opened a modern hood and looked into the engine room?! o_O There nix did more without special tools and experience! ^^+gg
So I’ve been driving for 25+ years and knowing “something” with cars. My wife drives a relatively new BMW … long speech, short sense:
Board computer showed that oil has to be refilled… no topic. Got oil, engine hood open, and then I stood there like an ox before a mountain!
Where with the oil? I don’t know! Having looked into the manual, was not smarter, looked for tutorials on the Internet … nix found and … I even think I would have asked for good question where and how to refill oil at the BMW. Kind of, huh?
In the end, my wife drove with her BMW in a contract workshop and refilled the oil… *arg
So much for the topic: “make the same!”
Well, I’ve never seen anything like that onboard computer that tells you you have to refill oil. I have Opel Corsa. There, a timer runs out of which, either after a time X or after a driven KM interval, a message that oil has to be changed.
If you reset the message, it only appears when you reach the next interval. It doesn’t matter if you fill in new oil, refill it or do nothing at all. Is of course not advisable to make nix but naja
In older models and/or small cars, this is still possible. Means too. But from the middle class, you don’t do much more than Laie.
Renault has been equipping the Megane and Laguna models with oil level volume monitoring since the start of sales.
MB has this in the Actros truck since the MP 2 models.
Meanwhile, all new models have.