Was meint Ihr, wäre für Boeing der einzige Weg aus dem aktuellen Sicherheits- und Qualitäts-Desaster, dass Airbus die Boeing-Zivilflugzeug-Sparte kauft?
Wäre so ein Deal wenigstens theoretisch möglich, oder würde eine Kartell-Behörde eine solche Monopolbildung untersagen?
I do not see any sense in giving money to a bankrupt or afflicted company if it is already destroyed or insolvent by compensation, and is presumably excluded as a competitors.
I was surprised that Bayer took over Monsanto’s advice.
Firstly, the antitrust authorities do not allow such monopoly to be formed, and secondly the Americans certainly do not accept that one of their most prestigious corporations is partially sold to Europeans.
Boeing comes in the generous enjoyment of billions.