Was meint ihr das früher es hieß der Teller wird leer gegessen findet ihr das bei machen sachen ok z.b. wenn das kind das essen mag?

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1 year ago

We eat as long as you’re hungry. When the personal natural feeling of saturation has been reached, you stop eating.

Whether the plate is then empty, you take a second portion, or if there is something left on the plate.

In the case of meals that you don’t like so much/ you don’t like at all, the rule applies: you should try at least once. But if it is absolutely impossible to get down, this component is left to lie (for example the mushrooms in the dish “Slushed in mushroom cream sauce”, or the individual corn grains in the vegetable mixture….

It would, of course, be ideal if all family members randomly like all food ingredients and therefore eat everything on the plate (at least until their personal saturation was reached).

1 year ago

I wouldn’t force it. It depends on age. Larger children should be able to estimate how much they can eat. It’s a small learning process.

1 year ago

Somehow, if a child has no hunger, why does it have to eat the plate, that doesn’t make any sense, or if a child doesn’t taste food at all. It’s a pretty bad feeling when you feel too full. So even if the child tastes food, but it has no hunger, then it makes no sense to force the child.

1 year ago
Reply to  niftahn213

offer alternative. How we would do it with a grown-up. Children should also be treated at eye level. Everyone has something you don’t taste. I remember my then best Polish friend and his dear mother, who made us eat, was ok..but with the red beds I had already very to fight 🗿

1 year ago
Reply to  niftahn213

This is difficult to answer, on the one hand you should not force the child, on the other hand, sprinkle children completely often without visible reason. Can I honestly not answer

1 year ago

Teacher here. Don’t make sense. If the child wants to eat, it eats. If not, then not. Nothing should be forced to eat. That you shouldn’t throw away food, you can also convey children differently. What can the child do to put something to him that doesn’t get down and then in too high quantities? It’s the adult’s fault. If the children take something on the plate and leave a lot, I’ll just tell them that it’s a shame to throw something like that away. “Other children have nothing to eat and would like to have it, but if you really can’t do it, you can give it to your friend and throw it away in case of emergency. Next time you’ll see you don’t get too much on it” etc.

1 year ago

I guess it should also be about the child being empty, what it has charged and learns to remember. also that it does not stand up and 5 minutes later is hungry again, but sometimes one is tired

1 year ago

I find it absolutely right, as it is also about not throwing food away and that the child himself learns how much it may eat.

1 year ago
Reply to  niftahn213

If they really don’t bring in anything and are “right” tired, then you can make an exception (you don’t have to torture them either). It is simply important that they learn from the situation and take the next time less so that the plate is eaten as empty as possible

1 year ago
Reply to  jojo7543

If you draw less, no food is thrown away – you warm up the next day or eat it.

1 year ago

In the past, you didn’t have so much money, you couldn’t always throw away the food. Today you just give less to the plate and then you can pick up supplement if you want. But the few, that should be eaten.

1 year ago
Reply to  niftahn213

Then the child should be allowed to say how much it likes

1 year ago
Reply to  niftahn213

the few that comes to the plate.

1 year ago

I know it differently:

“Don’t take more than fits in the stomach.”

My mother never applied to this “blessing cellar.”
She had to do this and that was enough for her not to pass it on.

1 year ago

I’m just wrong.

1 year ago

In this way, food disorders are cultivated – less to draw and, if necessary, to re-create

1 year ago

Big and no.

But there are also exceptions: For example, if this doesn’t fill the plate for the first time in a loud greed, and then the food is completely harmed. But I’d say that from 10 or 11 years. before it is to the parents to see that this is not happening.

1 year ago

I even know it used to be.