Was meint dr. damit?
Das gehört in Orthopädische Hände!
Ich war gerad beim Arzt wegen Bauchulla.
Da hörte ich ein Gespräch “Bandscheibe”
Und in orthopädische Hände.
Der Patient sagte es sei bei einem der ihn weiterschicke.
Was genau meinte die Ärztin mit orthopädische Hände?
That means he should go to the orthopedic because this is his discipline, which then looks what the exact problem is, and how it can best be supplied
Problems with the discs should be treated with orthopaedics, not with the doctor.
But what does the orthopaedic do?
An orthopedic is a doctor for the bone system and muscles of the body. Back, feet, knees, joints, spine…
Going into your hands=the doctor regulates this and helps you.
But what does Joa mean, what does he do so special?
X-rays, gypsum associations, inserts for feet, etc.
He can treat you to your problems, not always your HA. And he can X-ray, etc. He’s a specialist.
Now I’m completely confused.
Surgeons are responsible for this, no orthopedists. Maximum treatment.
And what does he do to the complaints?
Well, he can’t handle it himself, he’s just an orthopaedic.
But what does the orthopaedic do?
That he wants to turn you to a specialist, to an orthopedic.
A pediatrician can’t treat everything.
What’s an orthopaedic?
Yeah, you… you asked.
What the doctor does then comes from a conversation about your complaints/ symptoms.
And what are Belly?
And what is that? This is NOT your question.
I had Muka:D
Please read your question again.
That’s a saying, so much that you’re entrusted to someone.
This means that an orthode is supposed to look at this and make a diagnosis.