What is Vera Christiane Felscherinow doing these days?

What is Vera Christiane Felscherinow, aka "Christiane F.", up to these days? Does she still live in Berlin, and if so, what does she do? The question relates to the topic "Christiane F. – We Children from Bahnhof Zoo" and whether there are still opportunities to visit Christiane these days, for example, to interview her.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The last stand seems to be that in May 2023, she has moved out of a berlin homeless accommodation to become drug-free and to live petty. What has become of this past seems to be unclear.

Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiane_Felscherinow

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

That’s the last stand, yes. Must be 62 today.

9 months ago

She lives, only that counts.
And if it continues to consume illegal drugs or is in the substitution programme, it is the living proof that one can become old with drug use if permanent care is guaranteed.