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1 year ago

With regard to the risk of dependence, Kratom is clearly more dangerous, in the sense that it is very fast to dependency.

A few weeks of daily or almost daily consumption and you are certainly both physically and mentally dependent. The dependence potential of Kratom is often underestimated. Kratom is an opioid and makes exactly as dependent as, for example, oxycodone or tilidine.

In alcohol it takes much longer until a physical dependency arises, so it takes years rather.

At the same time, however, one must also say that an alcohol dependence, if it is actually there, damages the body considerably more strongly than Kratom.

1 year ago

Clear alcohol, although Kratom also has a high psychological dependence potential. Kratom is not recommended for many reasons.

Excessive ethanol consumption but also not. Cannabis is much more compatible if you want to get out.

1 year ago
