Was macht mein Papa jetzt?
Mein Papa ist im Februar dieses Jahr verstorben und er fehlt mir sehr. Ich glaube daran dass es jetzt im Himmel ist und es ihm gut geht da wo er ist, er hat sehr leiden müssen.
Was denkt ihr macht mein Papa jetzt im Jenseits? Sieht er mich eigentlich hier auf Erden?
Yes, your father will accompany you from his “plane”.
But I want to give you the following exercise:
Sit on a comfortable chair or sofa or on your bed, take a picture of your father before you, connect with your mind (thank you) with your father. Stay calm and relaxed. You will perceive when he is with you (if you feel cold) and talk to him how he would sit or stand before you.
You can do this exercise again and again.
My condolences. This is a question of faith.
Personally, fortunately, I’ve almost never had a death in the relationship, except my grandpa I lost when I was 1 a half years old.
Luckily, I was still too young to understand that it would probably have destroyed me. I myself am a believer and believe that the deceased can see one from heaven.
Sometimes I do things or do great things that I always do for him, because I know if I do something, then I make him proud up there.
You have to know what you believe. All good and much strength.
I am incredibly sorry that your father can no longer be with you and had to suffer so long 💔
I personally believe that people have a soul that does not die. And if your father’s soul is still somewhere, he’ll take care of you. He surely loves you very much
We do not know, yet there are people who tell, feel and feel their deceased loved ones or that quite certain signs appear.
He will continue to watch and accompany you.
Faith is personal.
Believe in what you’re doing.
He does everything you want and what you feel good about. :
he sees you and fits you, promised