Was macht man im Tanzkurs in der 9 Klasse?
Hi,ich bin weiblich 14 und komme nach den Sommerferien in die 9 Klasse.Ich will gerne den Tanzkurs machen und habe auch schon einen Partner.Wir haben noch keinen Info Zettel bekommen,deshalb stellt sich die Frage was macht man eigentlich im Tanzkurs?Also was für Tänze lernt man?Wie lange geht eine Tanzkursstunde?Wie oft ist das in der Woche? usw…mich würde das sehr interessieren
Danke schon mal im voraus
As a rule, in such a dance course, one learns the standard dances, i.e. slow waltz, Quickstep (also called Foxtrott), the fast (Wiener) waltz. Depending on the teacher, some of the Latin American dances, Tango, Chacha and Rumba.
With these dances you have grown every dance floor! Because you learn to move to the rhythm of music with a partner!
I did the Quickstep in the Disco Fox version with my youth friend.
And on appropriate societal occasions, I was able to smile at a dance challenge…because I had learned to move right on the dance floor and let myself be guided by the partner (bin w).
Oh yes, such a course includes idR 8-10 lessons, with us the 90 minutes went.
Tango is a standard dance 😉 But otherwise a good answer from you 🙂
thanks for the star
Hi! You learn the basic steps to different standard dances, get a bit to the dance school, what exactly.
We have the A course. This contained ChaChaCha, Rumba, Tango, Foxtrott, Disco-FOX, Slow Waltz, Wiener Walzer, Jive, Boogie and Blues.
There were one or two figures for each dance.
And for pupils there is often also something “bearing and etti chain” to know how the mother or father of the dance partner*in is asked to dance .. 😜
Also varies but usually takes 10 hours a 90 min incl. Pause
Hi :-
It’s nice to see a dance course with a boy after the summer holidays:-)
Such basic courses are usually super fun and very entertaining. So it was at least with me at the time ^^ You learn the basic steps and small figures on different standard dances and late inches.
The standard dances include the Slow Waltz, the Tango, the Quickstep (possibly also the Foxtrott) and the Wiener Walzer (later also the Slowfox).
Latin American dances include Rumba, ChaCha, Jive, Simba and later Paso Doble.
Often you learn the discofox in the basic course, as it is relatively easy from the rhythm and the sequence of steps:-)
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂