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2 years ago

Then I’ll make sure I’m not bored. Clean up, cleaning, reading, cooking, baking, walking,……

2 years ago
Reply to  TomatePflaume

I bake a lot, fruitcake, pancakes, biscuits, cookies, cookies, gingerbread, cakes, fruit bread, bread, but also make chocolates and rubber bears themselves. Today, I made quarkballs. For tomorrow, a cheesecake, pancakes and Frankfurt’s wreath is already in the oven, as tomorrow is a celebration.

2 years ago

Here is a simple chocolate recipe

White or dark chocolate (600 grams)

cream (250 grams)

Coconut rasp (200 grams for mass and about 100 grams for decoration)

Bags whole blanched almonds

First you have to warm the cream in a water bath. Make sure to use a large pot, because the chocolate and the coconut rasps also have to fit in. While you heat the cream, don’t let it boil, you can crush the chocolate. Then add to the cream and stir well until the chocolate is melted. Finally add 200 grams of coconut rasps and stir well again. This means that the mass is finished and has to cool out well. Best place two hours in the refrigerator. Put a deep plate with coconut rasps. Take a small teaspoon of the chocolate mass, put an almond in the middle, then roll between the palms to a sphere. Roll this ball in the plate with the coke sticks until a beautiful coconut layer has formed around it.

2 years ago

I really recommend you go out to the park 😁 either as a walk or if you want more sports try freerunning, best in nature.

Inside otherwise read, write, good question or painting 😁 Or also practice hand stand and lying support

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchss09

Boring is sometimes nice. Then I sit on my balcony and dream so in front of me

2 years ago
Reply to  Stoffel977

True 😅 But I always have so wild fantasies 😛 Mal Rockstar, sometimes spy and so on 😅

2 years ago

Well, that’s not the worst fantasies!

2 years ago

Truly nothing does until something comes up in me that may do anything. And it takes intense boredom.

2 years ago

drawing, reading, cooking

2 years ago

I’m going out with friends, watch series or I’m on the PC. Mostly I remember

2 years ago

Then I usually shock, watch series and do my household.

2 years ago

Zocken, series/film

2 years ago

I am up and answer questions

2 years ago
Reply to  TomatePflaume

I’m tired, but don’t want to sleep