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Yesterday was Christmas Eve in the smallest circle of the family. Let’s just go to the church and then get some air, as the weather will probably allow for a walk. The rest is rest day today.
In the morning, brunch with the large family is provided with 16 people. I’m sure it’ll be fun again. And then Christmas is almost over again.
We have a visit.
My family and I are always together on Christmas Day. We start the day with a big Christmas breakfast before we all gather together around the Christmas tree. Then we’ll find our gifts and open them all together. In the afternoon we cook the lunch and eat it either in the circles of the family or with friends. We usually spend the evening watching Christmas films or playing games.
On the 2nd Christmas day we usually meet with friends or relatives that we did not see on the first holiday. We exchange gifts and enjoy the day together. In the evening, there is usually a delicious lunch before we all go home.
Wanted to eat with my sister yesterday. Unfortunately, it has canceled because it is Corona-positive and therefore does not feel completely fit.
We were all with us on Christmas Eve (children and grandchildren). The rest of Christmas we have now “free”, we will walk a few hours (if it doesn’t rain excessively) and then we will make it cozy.
We’ll get a visit.
I live alone and do what I do on another day a year.
1. Christmas Day: Dehydrated room ceiling in the kitchen, tear down wallpaper to sprinkle holes and sweep deep ground.
Two. Christmas Day: Lazyenzen
Agriculture knows no Christmas
Thanks for letting our food grow. Without people like you there would be no civilization and your work is unfortunately considered to be self-evident.
I’m going to the Zoo Leipzig and tomorrow to the Zoo Halle
That I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I’d have driven it quite well:) last week this little one has been drilled.
Nix special.
My parents are both dead.
My uncle and aunt are busy with you and my brother is heavily dependent on alcohol.
I’m working.
Happy to all the family, you are rich!
We don’t have it easy either.
Nice to hear it is a competition, who’s got it worse. I give up and you win.
What are you doing?
we do the rest
afterwards we throw the charcoal grill and a large boar lobe is grilled on it
we get a visit.
I’ll take the days off and prepare delicious food and watch cozy TV when something is reasonable.
I’ll go to the gym as usual.