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The brown and red nude screws I collect, throw the 1 km away into the park, freshly planted things are protected with coffee set and mussel lime.
The stained tiger loops remain naturally in the garden. They clean up well under the nude screws.
Thank you
Put them down to the top. The one above is a fine fress for the ones below.
It’s just an Internet rumor. The lower one eats the eggs of the upper one.
Really? Are they not even sold for the purpose of combating red snails? Thought they’d suck them out.
Yeah, they’re sold because they eat the eggs. A grown-up snail doesn’t eat it.
The tiger angel is useful; The red auger normally only addresses clear damage and has been almost entirely distorted outside the forest by the Spanish auger (which can cause great damage, among other things, in gardens).
Therefore, it is possible to tolerate the usually only few red worms or to expose them, for example, in the forest. Of course, the tiger’s loop is pulled.
The upper one is destroyed rigorously, which is not at our place.
probably red the bottom with the top
Poison with snail grain.
They were extinguished directly as they eat my vegetables. You have to kill them directly, that helps sustainably. Snail grain is of course also an option.
Lg helpers780
I’m not doing anything.
knows that the snail is a snail eater…
Collect the red ones (also the brown ones) and then boiling water on it, the others I have not.
Pick up, throw in a bucket, put in the forest and dump it.
Why fail? You’re taking her away…
Without a joke, she’ll tip somewhere where everyone sees her, then the birds eat her up.
Birds are cooler than snails!
Even birds don’t eat the red worm, except running.
Forest is next door
The browns are a problem
In the meantime, the red ones are rare, since the Spanish (brown) displace all the others…
But only the browns. The Stained
Go with shrub powder (-;
I’ve done it and my mum wouldn’t have left me in the bed.
Take a snail with your fingers for fun, you won’t get the slime for at least 2 days.
Really? I thought throttling was eating everything in the beak.
Or Elstern, too. Never mind.
No, it sticks their beak. Even hedgehogs make a bow around these worms.
ok I buy me a run
☑ check