Was macht ihr im Ballettunterricht?
Ich mache seit kurzem Ballett. In der ersten Stunde haben wir auch Ballett getanzt. In der zweiten hatten wir Vertretung und machten Modern Dance.
Heute war unsere Lehrerin wieder gesund. Aber anstatt Ballett machten wir Zirkeltraining und so. Leider gar kein Ballett. Wie läuft das bei euch? Macht ihr immer Ballett oder auch mal gar nicht?
In smaller doses, my participants will always get mixed training, either as warm UP before the actual training or integrated into the jump training or as a continuous rod training without break and with collected correction at the end (the latter usually at the end of a quarter when the exercises are sitting) and will also be stopped outside the ballet training to make continuous training (swinging, running and co, in dimensions)
Floorbar units are also inserted.
Apart from that, there is usually the classic structure rod, middle, diagonal, sometimes choreo.
But representations are currently difficult to get. We are often happy when we find people who can help, so trainers from other dance-savings. If this is not the case, the course will expire. That’s why it’s not unusual if there are classes in other dance areas at representations, that can be modern dance or jazz or even Irish dance.
Btw: our TNs are only healthy to get to training, for the above reason. Anyone who is cold is asked to stay at home or send back home, otherwise there are several courses/classes without training.
So we always do ballet according to the classic scheme. First rod, then stretch, then middle and finally diagonal.
I hope we will do so soon.