Was macht ihr an einem Sonntag morgen?
Was machen Jugendliche/Junge Erwachsene (16-25) an einem Samstag/Sonntag morgen?
Ich habe mich gerade gefragt was ihr so macht wenn ihr an einem Sonntag morgen aufsteht. Netflix? zocken? Instagram bis es Mittag ist? Spazieren?
My boys have been smiling, then we have breakfast together, now they’re out on the skate.
With the family (if you live at home) nice breakfast or brunch.
Shadow boxes or Legue of Legends zocken
Pack bags for professional school tomorrow.
You don’t need anything except block and pen
Well, I have block lessons and I’m there for 2 weeks, so I already need more than that:-)
I’m a young adult of Ü40 and I’m lazy in bed.