Was macht ihr alles währen HomeOffice?

Ich Frage für einen Freund. (Endlich darf ich das auch mal sagen )

Was macht ihr, wenn ihr im Homeoffice seid? Außer arbeiten.

Bügeln, Putzen, Kochen, Gassi gehen, …?

Ein Freund von mir macht eine Umfrage, mag aber kein eigenes Konto eröffnen.

Bitte seid ehrlich, die Antworten bleiben geheim.

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4 months ago

I’ve always played on my phone at my old job. Games tried out and accepted a call every 15min times.. briefly sold and get commission… then 15 wait loop, just say goodbye to the customer and break again.

Provision at the end was more than the whole basic salary

4 months ago

It’s okay. I don’t think that would be different in the office as long as the figures are correct. Especially in sales, you usually have your rest in the office and are rated at sales anyway.

4 months ago

Well. I’m self-employed now, but I have fixed orders and deadlines here too. And as an employee in the home office, I didn’t do it any other way. It was okay for the boss to do something in between, so you can refer to both.

I like to listen to music, in lighter activities, where I don’t have to think so much, even radio or a podcast, or make a short round of games at some idle or low motivation. I usually do the rest in the breaks. I wouldn’t have the time. Of course, I also take the post when I’m not in any important conversation or I’m in the kitchen for a few minutes to cook something. Just like staying in presence with a coffee kitchen. If there’s anything left after the end of time, I’ll finish it or work it out later. I don’t like letting things lie half-finished.

Incidentally, what I want to say: I think that there is also a subordination, that you would do work for someone, just because you work at home and are not directly in sight of the boss and colleagues. And I find that very questionable. This has more to do with your own attitude and in the end the performance must be absolutely right. If you do something else in the home office, it definitely does at work on site, e.g. the coffee break then takes a very long time or you pretend to be busy, but next door does something else or just look at the screen.

3 months ago
Reply to  Desire3110

Well, what’s wrong with it? Every self-employed person does orders or produces something up to a certain time, such as craftsmen. What else is self-employment? You work for customers and they want this up to a certain time. In this respect, I do not really understand the point.

Yeah, well, that’s anecdotal evidence. That says relatively little. And if you do that in between and the measurable performance is right at the end, it’s okay. : In operation, such people do not work differently. Then you go very long into the coffee kitchen or to the toilet, chat on the gang or make a game on your smartphone or write private mails under the table. Or stares on the screen and works extra slowly. It’s more to do with the head. : And we have enough investigations that prove that the home office is just as productive. As I said, one has both in home office and in presence such and such employees. Some work productively and independently, others do not. This has to do with the attitude.