Was macht Heroin oder Kokain mit einem Menschen?

Ich meine jetzt nicht Gesundheitlich sondern vom Gefühl her ! Ist einem da alles scheiß Egal …. ? Ein ehemaliger Drogensüchtiger meinte nachdem er sich die Spritze gesetzt hat fühlt man sich total Geborgen und alle schlechten und negativen Gedanken sind weg ? Und nein ich will mir keine Spritze setzen falls das jemand denkt ! Ich frage aus Interesse einfach !

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2 years ago

The effect of heroin is not even as stunning as expected. You get tired, the body feels light, warm and wrapped in cotton. You forget all worries and fears and become more open. From the head you feel relatively clear. I always had nightmares after consumption, but that could also be coincidence.

This isn’t supposed to be harmless, heroin has already destroyed many lives and I strongly advise on consumption.

2 years ago
Reply to  Haschkeks420

More lives than heroin have the legal drugs alcohol and tobacco on the conscience. The annual drug and addiction report speaks a clear numerical language.

In addition, there are so-called local cities. “Heroin programs” in which addictions get clean pharmaceutically produced heroin and thus become workable and socially integrated in the medium term.
The mentioned “destruction” is the result of illegality, persecution pressure, procurement and the resulting lack of hygiene.

2 years ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

I didn’t say anything about the harmfulness of alcohol and tobacco. I also believe that alcohol can be worse than heroin, depending on the situation of life and person.

The wording that heroin “life destroyed” I have deliberately taken so, as consumption in clean material entails relatively little consequences, but the great danger exists in addiction and overdose. An opioid dependence is on the psychological aspect and the speed at which this entry, not to compare with alcohol and tobacco. Of course, an alcohol withdrawal can even kill you, but this requires years of consumption.

2 years ago

Heroin Long term consumption & physical consequences

Main consequences for long-term heroin use are primarily body and social life. It comes to physical decay (e.g. liver damage, lung diseases, gastrointestinal disturbances, caries, tooth decay, etc.).

https://www.health.gv.at/disorders/health/heroin/heroin effects.html#:~:text=%26%20Alcohol%3A%20Intoxications.-,long term%20Consumed%20%26%20k%C3%B6rperliche%20follows,%2C%20Kies%2C20Z.

Cocaine Physical consequences

They can permanently lose their sense of taste and smell. Cocaine smoke damages the lung. If the substance is sprayed, there is a risk of infectious diseases such as hepatitis or HIV.


2 years ago

If you ask for interest, you should comply with the information a former drug addict has given.

2 years ago

He already answered you…

2 years ago

The drug addict already answered the question???!