Was macht Gott jetzt?
Gott macht das, was er immer schon tut.
Was vermutest, glaubst oder ahnst Du?
Gott macht das, was er immer schon tut.
Was vermutest, glaubst oder ahnst Du?
Welche Filme findet ihr toll aber alle anderen finden den scheiße?
ist es sinnvoller die getrennt lebende tochter (sie ist student mit arbeit, sie wohnt mit der mutter die nicht viel verdient oder arbeitslos ist) finanziell zu unterstützen oder für die neue familie (frau, zwei kinder) ein haus (über 400 000euro) zu kaufen mit kredit, die man eigentlich geplant abbezahlen kann?
Hallo, moin und guten Tag, ich bin 22 Jahre alt und bin vor drei Wochen nach Aachen gezogen für ein Studium. Dies war schon lange mein Traum und jetzt studiere ich endlich. Ich bin zuvor schonmal nach Augsburg gezogen für eine Ausbildung. Aber die habe ich aufgrund persönlicher Probleme leider beenden müssen. Es ging einfach…
Ich bin in etwa 10 Monaten 18 und habe mich jetzt dazu entschlossen, mit einer Therapie anzufangen. Ich habe eiem Therapeuten in einer Email geschildert was meine Probleme sind und dass ich mit meinen Eltern nicht darüber reden kann. Jetzt habe ich als antwort bekommen, dass sie mich zwar aufnehmen können, meine Mutter aber den…
Ich habe die Nacht ziemlich schlecht geschlafen. Ich bin auch erst spät schlafen gegangen und lag gefühlt bis 15 Uhr nur im Bett. Sind solche Tage normal?
Hi, ich bin 28 Jahre und gehe seitdem ich 16 bin arbeiten und meine Mutter war noch nie in ihrem Leben arbeiten und lebt momentan auch von Hartz 4. Ich habe schon ein kleines Vermögen aufgebaut, da ich schon immer sehr sparsam war und auch nach der Ausbildung direkt gut verdient habe. Meine Mutter fragt…
He waiting for us (Rom.8,19; Rev.14,1-3; 17,14).
Right, he’s not doing anything.
Like in the Holocaust, when 6 million people were murdered – many have prayed to God, but he has done nothing.
Or the little girl who is raped by her own father every night. It prays to God, but it doesn’t matter.
Or the young man who has just become a father and is ill with cancer – all his friends and relatives pray for him, yet he dies and leaves his wife with a small child.
Or the couple who likes to have a child – but even though they pray a lot, it only comes to miscarriages.
So either God doesn’t do anything – or it just doesn’t exist.
I think you’re right!
He creates nothing.
Nothing does not exist.
So he didn’t do anything! Not us, we’re not nothing!
Yeah, if you like that.
God is awake in me.
He’s living in me now.
He lets me know everything.
This is a process.
So there is the illusion of time.
I can’t do anything at once.
It wouldn’t make sense.
And yourself? How about you? You’re the big exception?
You don’t have to know everything, you have to develop!
This is the sense of illusion.
The truth can only be found in you.
The consciousness.
The only thing I agree with you in part, yes, we always live in now. In me every moment is now, never in the past or the future.
Time is somehow “outside” because we have to “blow” through the universe.
Perhaps the universe (with or without God) is a huge static structure, and we tiny parts in it are basically out of the mind of ever grasping the universe as a whole, that is our (also your!) “Schicksal”! That’s it.
Everything has a meaning.
There’s nothing in front of that now.
It must be.
Because that only exists now.
The past exists now.
You mean “while destroying the meaning,” how can “not” have meaning?
He didn’t make it by destroying meaninglessness.
nothing natural, someone who does not exist can do nothing
is not an error or can provide me with evidence that could not yet be found, not any evidence, but
Nothing can be proven.
You cannot prove that there is God or not.
Everything is possible.
He sleeps as you wrote the other day.
In most people he sleeps and in some he is awakened.
At least in more than one…
Not bad.
Sleep well
You don’t understand me because you judge me and what I write.
As long as you judge, you cannot understand me.
I can’t change that.
This is due to your instinct that dominates you and makes you selfish.
I master my instinct and am no longer selfish but wise.
Wisdom leads to love.
I always understand that you want to put yourself in a “higher” position. It must have a real background.
Yes, I understand you.
You still don’t understand me
Okay, meaningless… then love a good night…
No one understands that, neither do I.
But I understand the meaning.
I realized the point.
This is the sense of consciousness.
Not being selfish and manipulating and cheating.
I recognized and understood love.
If you think I don’t understand, do you think better people are about what the rest of people don’t understand? If you could offend me, you would have insulted me (and all others too). This is God’s will?
Maybe, but you mean you’re right.
This is a mistake because nobody is right.
Because you don’t know the truth!
God exists and does not exist.
You don’t understand, so you don’t know the truth.
Because there are two truths.
And in principle there are two worlds.
Two worlds in one.
I have never said (as many others) that I cannot be mistaken. At least you’re wrong!
I’m wise because I don’t know anything and I can only believe everything.
That means I can be wrong with everything.
That’s believe.
People can’t.
You know and think they’re not mistaken.
You still haven’t understood me!
I knew it! But how can this only happen to you in your wisdom?
Maybe I’m wrong.
God is watching us – “From a distance”
Because he’s just an invention of people, he doesn’t do anything. He’s totally dependent on what people think about him.
Don’t be so arrogant. Prove me in the place of God or hold my fingers still.
I don’t have to prove anything. You have to prove God, because you claim that he exists. Come on.
I’m not talking to everyone!
You can’t prove anything!
Either you are awake because you have recognized the meaning or you sleep because you can’t recognize anything.
I’m just reading your question
How long?
as long as I want
What do you want?
how long I want
How long do you want that?
He reads your question and smokes a cigarette.
Do you think he smokes?
Yeah, I’m just doing it.
You mean Helmut Schmidt?
He’s dead.
Nobody’s dead!
that was good