Was macht einen kalten Entzug so gefährlich?
Ich habe die Wikipedia-Artikel zu Delirium tremens, Absetzerscheinung, Entzugssyndrom und Kalter Entzug gelesen.
Doch eine Sache habe ich immer noch nicht verstanden. In den Artikeln wird erwähnt, dass das plötzliche Absetzen lebensbedrohlich sein kann. Aber nirgendwo wird erklärt, warum.
Also was passiert im Körper, dass ein plötzlicher Entzug lebensgefährlich sein kann? Dass der Abhängige psychische Probleme bekommt ist klar, aber das wird ja nicht für den lebensbedrohlichen Zustand verantwortlich sein (es sei denn, er verletzt sich oder springt wo runter).
Kann mir das jemand erklären bitte?
The liver is immediately grateful if it has no more alcohol. But in people who drink a lot of alcohol, alcohol is still degraded by other means. If this replacement system is fully developed, 2/3 of the alcohol is removed. This replacement system, unlike the liver, needs the alcohol. If there is no alcohol it comes to the delirium tremens. Charles S. Lieber and Leonore M deCarli discovered it in 1968.
Very interesting, thank you
Ille is also not a doctor; Perhaps he confesses to you his age, his unfortunate youth!?
Depends on the addiction.
Basically, it is good to get medical assistance for such actions.
In the case of alcohol
Is unfortunately particularly stubborn, because in general – not in front of medics – classified as little dangerous.
“Trink`ma no a Glasal Wine, …”
The elimination of the damping alcohol causes trembling, speech, visual and sensational disorders. In addition, the cramping threshold of the brain drops, so that generalized seizures with potential for injury due to falls, aspiration and tongue bites are common.
Cold withdrawal – Wikipedia
Thank you for your answer. By copying the paragraph out, I’ll make it clearer. Is that similar to Delirizmum tremens?
Yes: Why is Delirium tremens deadly?
The Delirium tremens is thus a particularly heavy form of withdrawal phenomena. Characteristics are: hallucinations (“white mice”, formation of voices), unrest, i.e. excited, unorientated, “narrowing movements”, danger of circular collapse. Approximately 20% of the Delirie fatal.
Delirium, cramps…