Was macht DPD so lange?

Hallo, ich habe mir was bei Cyberport bestellt, was leider mit DPD verschickt wurde..

Gestern kam um 16:40 Uhr in der Sendungsverfolgung, dass das Paket von Mörsdorf unterwegs sei.

Das ist circa 4 Stunden von meinem Wohnort entfernt. Seit dem hat sich nichts getan

Ich habe heute Vormittag in der App ein Abstell Okay gegeben, da stand dann Neu-Ulm dran. Das ist circa 30-40 Minuten von mir entfernt.

Außerdem kam gestern von DPD die Mail, das mein Paket am nächsten Werktag zugestellt wird. Heute ist Samstag, also der nächste Werktag. Samstag ist ja auch ein Werktag.

Es ist allerdings bei mir noch nichts angekommen. In der Sendungsverfolgung hat sich auch noch nichts getan. Was machen die so lange?? DPD braucht länger das Paket von einem 4 Stunden entfernten Standort hier her zu bringen als DHL von einem 10 Stunden entfernten Standort…

Offensichtlich wird das Paket nicht mehr kommen. DHL hätte das Paket definitiv heute zugestellt.

Würdet ihr euch beschweren? Ich bin am Montag nicht zuhause, hoffentlich halten die sich wenigstens an das Abstell-Okay…

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4 months ago

On Saturday the capacity at dpd DEUTLICH is lower than at DHL. The standard packages are not delivered on Saturdays, only packages to private customers and express.

Therefore, the number of suppliers is significantly lower and the capacities are also lower. As a result, it can happen that the delivery agents cannot deliver all packages on Saturday.

Cyberport may not have specified you as a private customer at dpd or you are even a company, then it is normal that Saturdays are not served.

Dpd advertises with 1-2 days to complain that the shipment is not delivered the next day, is exaggerated and you would just waste customer service capacity.

In addition, DHL also sometimes needs longer, which have taken me 3 days for a 40-minute route.

In addition, you have to think about the price/performance, I have seen several dpd and DHL contracts, dpd is at least 30% and up to 75% cheaper than DHL.

I just pulled out two similar contracts, the same amount, just another pickup.

dpd wants a package up to 2kg 2,85€

DHL wants for a package up to 1kg 4.45€ and up to 3kg 4.76€ that is significantly more.

At 31.5kg dpd then costs 5,10€ and DHL 16,40€

With such price differences, money has to be saved somewhere, e.g., non-efficient trucks have to run, which results in longer delivery times.

And then the question arises whether you have been willing to pay these extra costs for dhl shipping, only so that the package may come 1 day earlier. (Sunday doesn’t pay)

4 months ago
Reply to  Kastroo

Yes, but may be that conrad dpd has said that the recipient is business customer, since dpd does not calculate the new delivery for business customers. For private customers, as with gls&dhl, only one delivery attempt takes place, then parcel shop, or the consignor pays the costs for the new delivery (can the consignor choose whether a delivery attempt takes place or other costs)

Conrad may have simply decided to book all recipients as business customers so that they have the advantage of several delivery attempts. have not had to pay anything extra.

Otherwise, it can still be that the supplier simply had no capacity on Saturday, but that is not always known as a parcel service in advance. Due to the lower capacity on Saturday this can happen.

Otherwise, in the decision with DHL, you are the absolute minority, and this minority would be insane for so little extra turnover.

PS: Are you sure this was coming tomorrow? It always says that the package comes in 1-2 days.

Look what conrad has specified until the package arrives. When it comes to that point, conrad and dpd did exactly what they promised.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jjjjj24472929

Hahah with DPD that’s not true with the prices. DHL is cheaper and faster for business customers.

If we send a package from Germany to England, this is the next working day there.

4 months ago
Reply to  modecoolboy


This is the overview page of DHL for business customers for the International Package Shipping. DHL Package Internationals and then Overview Country Information (PDF file) is available for UK 3-4 days. Direct link to PDF: https://www.dhl.de/dam/jcr:75e9d96c-e4f1-4282-9b80-a4ee7f334fcf/dhl-paket-international-infoblatt-destinations-de-092024.pdf

I have some kind of hard feeling that you are confusing DHL Express with the brand DHL package because a delivery with DHL package is impossible on the next working day. That must be DHL Express.

4 months ago
Reply to  modecoolboy

That’s wrong if you’ve ever made a offer of dpd. In the normal package area (not Express), dpd is significantly cheaper. Convince me of the opposite by sending me two price lists, I will accept your friendship request.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jjjjj24472929

I am a specialist in warehouse logistics your statements at prices do not vote at all

4 months ago
Reply to  Jjjjj24472929

You cannot compare prices for private customers with prices for retailers. DHL dealer prices are lower than DPD dealer prices.

4 months ago
Reply to  modecoolboy

I just compare dealer prices. For 2.85€ you get little as a private customer.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jjjjj24472929

There are no restrictions on dimensions and weight for business customers. It doesn’t matter how big or hard the package is – the business customer always pays the same price per package at DHL.

4 months ago
Reply to  modecoolboy

This is simply wrong information, you can send an inquiry to the sales department at DHL and then you get a price for all package sizes, but you usually pay for staggering. Just make an offer at DHL : https://www.dhl.de/de/geschaeftscustomer/package/search/supply-dhl-geschaeftscustomer-online.html

You can simply enter anything with the data up to 5000 shipments and then look at the prices, as if you can see a pricetaffelung. Even at the offer page where you do not have to specify data, you will see a price of 4.38 and as a note below that applies to a 1kg package, at 3000 shipments a year. The fact that there is 1kg talk is not without reason, because of course it becomes more expensive.

4 months ago

a delivery the next day with dpd is not really expected on Saturday, exactly from this reason. Mo-Fr is very realistic.

4 months ago

Of course much too close

4 months ago

Yes, but the package was shipped Friday afternoon, the prioritization on the Mo-Fr does nothing at all, as it is just about Saturday.

4 months ago

The business packages are delivered on Saturday only with express delivery.

However, the business packages have priority which are served until Friday.

4 months ago

Yes, but the delivery Saturdays is offered for B2C recipients, not business customers. All online magazines that reported about 10 years ago also talk about private customers, never business customers. If you’ve ever seen advertising material from dpd to business customers, there’s something like: ” dpd Classic: Reliable Germany-wide shipping up to 31.5kg, including Saturdays” and below at the Sternchen then says: “The delivery to private recipients takes place from Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 10:00 pm. Business customers and companies will be delivered within their business hours from Monday to Friday.”

The flyer I’ve just picked out comes from 2020, but you can start from the fact that this is still going on and giving, I’ve still got NIE Saturday’s packages from dpd that I get as a company. The supplier was with me on Saturdays to deliver my private order to me in the company.


4 months ago

Business customers are preferably your statement is not true.

4 months ago

The delivery does not take place the next day is normal and not to be expected. DHL might not have done it, is always a matter of luck whether a package needs 1 or 2 days.

In addition, yesterday DPD received the mail that my package will be delivered the next working day. Today is Saturday, so the next working day. Saturday is also a working day.

Send a screenshot of the mail, actually there is a mail in which of 1-2 days the talk is.

In Neu ulm is a package center from which packages are delivered. I feel like the delivery driver just had no room left on the van, that can happen with dpd and DHL.

Would you complain? I’m not home on Monday, hopefully they’re at least holding up to the store-Okay…

Would you complain?

For what? 1-2 days is normal package life, only because those who have not been as fast as theoretically in the best case, it is not a reason to complain for a long time.

“The delivery to our customers takes placein about 1 to 3 days or within the delivery date specified for the respective product.”

You haven’t been in the 1-3 days.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kastroo

Shipping confirmation or processing in the depot/collection was On Thursday?