Was machst du mit den Resten von diamond painting Perlen?
Ich habe schon einige Bilder mit Diamond painting Perlen gestaltet. Nun habe ich schon 134000 Perlen drüber. (Ich habe sie nicht alle gezählt aber 200 Stück ergeben 1g) Was kann ich damit nun machen.
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So I had collected my rest in glasses for some time 🙂 found that somehow “nice” after that I had the stupid idea to mix up the rest with night-lighting color and make a kind of picture …it has become nothing of it.
Hm Otherwise you could make a sand watch from it 🙂 or so ne art rainstock 🙂
You can throw them away. That was not the question…;–)
Sort it and design your own design, then you have created a completely own work and processed the “pearl”.