Was machst du in dieser Situation?

Stell dir vor du bist mit deinem Partner an Silvester in Berlin, Tickets fürs Brandenburger Tor alles bezahlt. Ihr seit gerade im Hotel eingecheckt und seit 500 km Auto gefahren.

Dein Vater schwebt plötzlich nach einer Überdosis an Alkohol ( er trinkt jeden Tag exzessiv, dieses mal hat er dies aber noch gesteigert ) in Lebensgefahr und deine Mutter hat den Krankenwagen gerufen – ohne sie wäre er vermutlich schon tot da ihn niemand gefunden hätte.

Was machst du ?

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1 year ago

I wouldn’t go back. He had the problem before, why should you leave your New Year’s Eve for it? Your mother would have had to realize before that your father would probably overwhelm New Year’s Eve, and both of them would have had to think about a withdrawal, especially your mother must protect himself from such excesses. She obviously didn’t do that. Then she’ll have to get clear. Probably it is co-dependent and needs professional help. Don’t do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  windmuehle959

This is not a dose that is life-threatening, especially because not for someone who drinks 3 liters of beer every day.

1 year ago

First, I didn’t write it is normal, secondly, your father, should he actually drink 6 bottles of beer every day, get used to alcohol and his body can partly compensate for it.

After 1.5 liters of beer, no drinker was so sturdy that I couldn’t run smoothly and had to vomit.

That’s normal since your body is not used to alcohol at all, he can’t handle it.

There are drinkers that you don’t realize that they drank as much as others would put into the coma.

1 year ago

Let’s tell you about someone who lost an uncle by alcohol… Your father is still very far away. Yes, he’s alcoholic and dependent. But is not life-threatening and you can still get it. As long as you’re alive, you’re gonna get it.

1 year ago

It depends on the current state. Despite everything, he’s your father. If he’s so bad with each other that he could die any moment, you might want to visit him again. If your partner doesn’t understand, he’s not the right one for you anyway. But if you don’t visit your father it can be good that you will regret this all your life. However, if you haven’t had a strong contact with him for a long time and don’t want to hear from him, or if you’re just more important about the romantic time of New Year’s Eve with your partner, you should stay in Berlin.

At the end of the day, you have to make the decision alone for yourself, as you want it, no one can take it for you.

1 year ago

Go to the Brandenburg Gate, after all the tickets are already bought and the ambulance was called anyway, so you could not do anything further yourself.

1 year ago

These are too little information to make a statement about my behavior in this situation.

Every day 3 liters of beer, is not an excessive drink, and of additional 5 Vodka Cola, may be condition that he does not have to come to the hospital. There must be other indications.

1 year ago
Reply to  windmuehle959

If something is not excessive, it’s not normal for a long time.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If my father’s life-threatening condition is not enough to go home, then my mother’s confession.

1 year ago

Good question and there will certainly be no right and wrong.

Maybe you can tell your mom to keep you up to date, and if it’s really critical, she’s gonna divorce you and you could go to him.

On the other hand, I would remain in Berlin until then and proceed according to plan. Unfortunately, you can’t do a lot, you can’t afford it. You may be able to visit him at the hospital in Berlin.

I would do that, but of course it comes to zig more factors, such as the relationship with the father, how critical the condition is, whether the KH already allows visitors, etc.

All good,

1 year ago

I would look after the father if I had a good relationship with him. And a partner who loves you would also have an understanding. Too bad about money, but rather lose some money than having a bad conscience forever.

1 year ago

So that depends on several factors. First of all, it is the father and one has only one, and usually it is of course nice to say goodbye before death.

ABER even if you’re going back 500 km, how do you know if you’re coming in time? How acute is the state? Because you can also drive back and then he’ll be better tomorrow. Kind of annoying, of course good for your father. But the hotel room will be gone.

Then it depends, how is the relationship? Do you want to be “different”?

Then the question is, is he even answerable and does it notice?

And do you want to be present at death?

My parents both died in my absence in the hospital. So even if you drive back now, who says when it is ready? You can’t be there anyway.

The only person who could really need support is the mother. But even if they are still in close relationship with each other. Because if your partner is in danger of living in the hospital, the home is usually suffering, because the other is probably unconscious.

I don’t know if I’d go back. If he were unconscious, I wouldn’t, and if my relationship with him was bad, I wouldn’t. But if he is a good father and always was there for me, I would also want to be there for him.

No matter what you do, whether you’re reused is your decision. You can also simply stand to his deeds and say that in the situation after he measured you acted correctly. You don’t have to regret this. You can’t help the person in the hospital. And, of course, it comes to him that he has taken himself there. There is also anger and disappointment.


1 year ago

I use the paid tickets for the event at the Brandenburg Gate

1 year ago
Reply to  windmuehle959

No. And he owed himself. I don’t want to miss our celebration