Was machen zu meinem 18. Geburtstag?
ich werde in ein paar tagen 18. und ich weiss nicht so recht was ich machen soll oder wie ich ihn feiern soll daher ich nicht so auf party‘s gehe oder allgemein eher kaum feier.
vielleicht gibt es paar ideen
Take a short trip to Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, whatever you can.
Do what you enjoy and enjoy. Maybe sex.
You can celebrate in the little circle of friends or in the circle of your family. Maybe you’re going to the movies? With Popcorn and Cola and then eat?
Do you have friends? Then book something like Lasertag! 😀
Otherwise, make one day (on your birthday) the things you’ve always wanted to do.
I don’t have any friends but thank you!
Then the second option, you can do anything because you’re 18. Enjoy your birthday!
Have a lot of sex with a home party. Go to each of your friends:)
A wellness day for you all by yourself with massage, sauna, cosmetics etc.
Are you a girl or a boy?
And what about family or friends?
Take the driver’s license.