Was machen wenn ich Würgreiz habe bei Tabletten?
Hallo ich habe das Problem das ich egal was nicht Tabletten schlucken kann, wenn ich sie versuche mit Wasser zu schlucken muss ich sie sofort ausspucken und danach muss ich sogar wirklich erbrechen deswegen, und ich habs auch mal in Joghurt oder so probiert aber da ist es das gleiche. Selbst die Vorstellung verursacht grad ein Würgreiz und mir wird schlecht. Ich bin 15 falls das irgendein Unterschied macht
This will not happen in a cup or a syringe. Presumably, you have some drug intolerance and then your doctor must also help you.
Most people here don’t know what that is. Then they give loud inappropriate advice.
The other young people with the same problem do not tell in school for good reason that they have to take a box of cups again and again. That’s why you probably haven’t heard of it yet.
I advise you to go to the pharmacy with your particular drug and ask if there is this in another dosage form because you get a strong wort irritation. They can advise you well and many medicines are available in a different form than exclusively as a tablet. For example, there are some drugs as a powder that dissolves completely in the water. Or as a capsule. Perhaps you can swallow these better (slip better and are not so bitter, as you may have less psychological problems), you can also open capsules for trouble and take the powder in them with water. So ask for special medicines at the pharmacy 🙂
Good luck!
Are you with capsules as well? Some have only the problem with tablets because they are more difficult to swallow, then you could put them in an empty capsule.
Mörsern would also be a possibility (depending on medicine) and stir in yogurt.
Most drugs are also available as juice, powder or suppositories. At least in the last variant, the problem with the refractive stimulus is solved
A bigger tablet? I took one before. Put it in the mouth, flip some liquid, just swallow. Couldn’t have swallowed tablets in the past.
You just recommend exactly what I tried to swallow normally with water, it just doesn’t come out immediately
Is the drug also in powder form? Would be an alternative if it doesn’t. Or as a drop.
Then you’ll just give it a chance to swallow it with water, and instead you’ll get a good bite of bread or something, so you can wrap the tablet before you swallow it all.
There are also tablets that can be dissolved in water.