Was machen wenn eine Gehirnerschütterung nicht besser wird?
Hab seit Donnerstag eine Gehirnerschütterung und die wird irgendwie nicht besser. ich war beim Artz und im Krankenhaus für 2 Tage und die meinten nichts schlimmes bla bla bla. Ich ruh mich aus und alles pack mein Handy jede 5 Minuten weg und lieg im Bett Aber NICHTS WIRD BESSER. Niemand nimmt mich ernst und alle sagen ich tuh nur so weil ich mich benehme als wäre mein Gehirn neugestartet
Seriously, if you have symptoms since Thursday and that just don’t get better, it’s definitely important to visit a doctor again. Perhaps with a specialist who takes more time and goes deeper on the subject. I would recommend a neurologist.
Yes, but if I tell my mother that I want to be a neurologist then look at me funny because she thinks I’m just doing that
That’s really understandable that it’s difficult if you feel that your mother doesn’t take your complaints seriously or you think you’d exaggerate. It’s not a nice feeling to get rid of. Sometimes it can be that parents see things differently because they don’t feel what the child feels but still think to be wiser and smarter because they are grown up. Unfortunately, no one can take it here. To make the conversation better, you could try to explain to her that you still have complaints and that you do not only “so,” but that it is important to be on the safe side. You can also stress that you are helping a specialist to make sure that there are no long-term consequences or complicated concussion.
If it were just that easy…. I try, but I know how it will end. Thank you
Quiet rest
None, really no media. No background music.
So nothing where the brain has to work. Reading or listening to music are exhaustions.
Tell me a doctor who got a neighbor in the situation.
Yeah, I’m in bed all the time and don’t do anything. My eyes press and I hear all the time like my mother loudly phoned, but when I talk to her, she says I should shut up
And the smart phone before you?
That’s far away, really.
Yeah, I’m just looking for help. I’m just trying to sleep but it’s not about looking for GF to ask:(
In a concussion, you should be in control for 3-4 days in the KH. Was an EEG also made? What symptoms do you have?
I was there two nights. I remember the days I was there hard. No Ahnunh was an EEG.
I can see things too loud or too quiet for me. Reading and writing is also hard and I can talk very funny
Excuse me? And then they’ll release you from the KH? You can’t do that with such symptoms. Go to another KH, it can’t be, go to an emergency room.
Yes I wish I could but my mother simply does not accept that I feel bad