Was machen in Sommerferien?
Also nicht solche Sachen wie in Clubs gehen oder so
Ich wohne am Dorf und da kann man eigentlich nichts machen, und ich kenne auch keine Leute
Was kann man in den Sommerferien machen, außer Musik hören, Lesen und sich auf sport und self Improvement zu konzentrieren?
I also live in the village, but in the next bigger town there are holiday programs and courses…. Would that be a solution?
Otherwise I would suggest hiking, I know that sounds stupid, but can be really relaxing!,
What I like to do in my spare time is Geocatching! That’s really great.
Then just the way things like reading or listening to music… I’m just doing a reading marathon to the song of ice and fire.
Oh, yeah… I’m just making cover for various books… This can also be really fun!,
I hope I could help you!
LG Ans1gar 🥰
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