was machen eigentlich Soldaten, wenn kein Krieg ist?

ist doch irgendwie langweilig, immer in der Kaserne abzuhängen und auf Truppenübungsplätzen die Morgenstunde hat Gold im Mund abzuwarten, dann auch noch als Rekrut oder Panzergrenadiere geschunden, was aber nach Entlassung an sportlicher Fitness auch nicht sonderlich was bringt, wenn nicht gleich Anschluß im Beruf .. immer Übungen und sogenannte Infanteriegefechtsausbildung spielt sich auch nur auf hierarchischer Ebene ab, weil die im Stab dann nur noch Befehle erteilen und selbst nicht mitmachen – also am besten bißchen Krieg oder vor wem ist das Vaterland denn wirklich bedroht?

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1 year ago

They don’t stand around all day and do nothing.

There are enough missions where soldiers are needed: earthquakes, for example, floods, other disasters. THW and fire brigade are not always enough, soldiers are also used.

Otherwise, they practice when there are no missions… as with the fire truth and the THW.

1 year ago
Reply to  studiogirl

with which the people of the THW and the fire brigade made honorary and practice normal professions or other

1 year ago
Reply to  Davidtheanswer

Partly, that’s right. But in my examples above, soldiers are also used. There’s always something to do. Soldiers don’t drill in the nose and think about what they can do before boredom. Prerogatives are already providing employment.

1 year ago

Hello, I am not a soldier now, so these are only guesses:

So I assume they participate in exercises or training. Keep the device ready for use or go to foreign operations.

However, it may be possible that short-term interventions come, as recently happened and people e.g. It is necessary to evacuate from crisis areas .

Or, as almost all the , I call it now once Baltic Sea fleet has expired when Ukraine began war .

The Bundeswehr can then be requested in disasters, e.g. Floods or now in summer for forest fire control.

1 year ago

That’s why it’s called a standing army. At the request of the case, one is at any time available as a professional soldier, instead of being convened only in the case of war, as in previous times.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pudelskern666

So does that mean that they don’t do anything if it’s not exactly war?

1 year ago
Reply to  Entenvogel2211

No, of course not. Being ready for use is not in doing nothing. Athletes are not only driving to the Olympics.

1 year ago

In Switzerland they play cards, clean shoes and stand in reih and limb. In doing so, they are bred by the higher degrees of service.

1 year ago

The same as professional firefighters if it does not burn: practice.

1 year ago

After the day program of training, Skat is happy to be played.

1 year ago

It’s just a bad thing to write.

1 year ago
Reply to  bachforelle49

Meet hobbies for your question above……

1 year ago

If there is no war, the soldiers help people in disaster areas… in Germany, but also abroad.

This can be floods, forest fires, storm damage, etc.

You can also look at this on the youtube channel of the Bundeswehr.

1 year ago

They burden the state fund in a little effective way.

Imagine it just like a fire insurance if it doesn’t burn.