What do bi people do?


So my family is homophobic, or rather, not really homophobic, but half are Muslim, the other half Catholic, and they just don't have a good opinion of LGBT, but I (25) am bisexual. Now a singer (bisexual) is coming to Europe (she's from Asia and is unknown here), and part of the concert is a short musical number with her friend.

I plan to get concert tickets and go wherever in Europe I am.

Today I was talking to my older sister (35) about a singer I like coming to Europe, and she suggested we go together. We haven't had a sister weekend in ages, and maybe she'll like the music. I should send her a few songs.

But if I do that, she'll probably use Google, and I'll be done for. I'd never be able to look my family in the eye again.

She just wrote to me again asking me to send her the singer.

How do I get out of this? I should have never mentioned it.

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1 year ago

The sexual orientation of the woman is not a problem because the concert is about her music. Besides, your sister could be a bit more tolerant than the older ones.

1 year ago

Send it to her. If she finds anything you can still say that you didn’t know that and that doesn’t care about the orientation of the woman.