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1 year ago

Right! As Jagtstein already advised, try your foreskin carefully and repeatedly to them. For example, in the bath tub in warm water, with gel and creams, oils, at least when the cap goes back over the acorn in the sleepy state.

However, it is often the case that the ribbon has grown too high at the back and therefore the fore skin does not return. Then a small cut from the doctor is necessary.

So if you can’t handle stretching in the long run, show it to your family doctor. But be careful: Many doctors are too fast with the total removal of the cap at the start! Often only a small cut is sufficient, which can then not be counted as an OP.

In addition, when unfolding, your thing can develop reasonably, will not be crooked or something. And it is also more hygienical, because then in the gutter under the acorns it is not always possible to deposit and ignite all impurities. A thorough cleaning is always important there.

But don’t drag around with violence on your noodle now, oil in, maybe over night, jamming the foreskin behind the acorn. By the way, Amazon also has such stretch rings that you can use.

I hope I could help you. Otherwise, I’d like to talk again.

1 year ago

You can gently stretch the foreskin in warm water. Or you can carefully stretch the foreskin with a cortisone-containing ointment. But slowly and cautiously no cracks arise because they can be stretched badly. A circumcision is not an option because you can still use your foreskin well.

1 year ago

Talk to your family doctor, he can help you talk to your parents and transfer you to the urologist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bonye

By the way, your pediatrician is bound to the obligation to silence like the urologist. As long as you don’t agree to what your parents are paying, or if you don’t want to make an agreement, they don’t know anything. But I would definitely recommend the gang to the doctor. He can tell you about everything and tell you what to do best.

1 year ago

You go to the family doctor who either writes you an ointment or sends you to the urologist.

And if the Uro wants to give you an op on the ointment!

I want you to do that!

1 year ago

A pimosis has many boys. Ointments only rarely help, usually must be operated. Your parents must agree to operations.