Was machen bei entzündeten wunden?
Ich hab einen relativ tiefen Schnitt der geht un die dermis schicht und sperrt knapp einen cm offen ich glaube der entzündet sich das tuht extrem dolle weh bei kontakt was kann ich dagegen machen? Kann ich mehr als Salbe benutzen und Pflaster drauf machen machen?
If the wound is infected, you have to go to the doctor. Ideally, the emergency service is now on weekends as an infection has to be treated with antibiotics and you can only get them by a doctor.
Thank you.
Yeah, let it go!
It is not possible to cut ust a bit old and just 1-2 cm long
Let a doctor look at the spot and good. It can’t be judged by the distance.
Inflamed tissue cannot be sewn / is not sewn – the danger of skepsis last much too high, moreover cures inflamed tissue not “closed”.
In addition, the wound must be relatively fresh.
Okay, thanks
No ointment, no plaster.. Ask a doctor.
Thank you.
I would fill it up, then no dirt can get into the wound.
to the hospital.
What can they do?
sew, disinfect. the usual stop.