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There are plenty of activities to do. Meet friends and family, all sports, reading, video games, other hobbies (instruments play, paint, cook, learn languages), go for a walk, go to the cinema, visit a restaurant or a library or a museum etc.
Why not? There are enough adults who also go to school
U18 is particularly stressed here because it is worth forgetting that only 1.5 mills of the BG recipients are kids and teens under 15 and are considered to be able to work from 15 onwards, although a regular school visit to Abitur is completed between 17 and 19 (section 18). The 15 to 18/19-year-olds come to the 1,5 mill again.
The adult also goes to school is out of question. However, as a BG receiver, the like must be approved by the JC.
Meet friends, zocken, hike, drive with 49€ ticket through Germany.
I rarely have boredom, but I usually sleep very long.
Sleep by noon or afternoon, watch series/films, clean up a bit, drink, sleep and the next day all over again from the front.
Then we know your daily routine
No, that was once
Ideally search for work 🙂
Good joke
Shouldn’t be.
Television, shock, splash time. Some also make useful things, but most splicing time.
No. If you want to play on it because I wrote here, I was not active well a month.
How do you know that most of them splice their time?
Most of them do. All I’ve met so far have that. My neighbor is unemployed. he has been working on a wooden house for 4 months, which can be completed in less than a week. Just as an example.
Right and because you know a few, and you know everyone, you’re right.
Yeah, you know. You don’t know everyone. Therefore most are wrong
until noon. After that eat and rest of the day TV
My day started in the morning at 06:00 This is probably sleeping with you until midday, eating and watching TV
I am not unemployed
I meant unemployed people who could work but don’t want to
What you wrote in your answer is correct and an insult
You are looking for work…
… or move it to tomorrow… and tomorrow…
(if not all)
See, Harz and cordial, Armes Germany or benzbaracken.
Zocken (with pupils but often with 25 year old unemployed men)
Probably looking for pawn bottles, sleeping, watching TV…
You watch too much private TV 🙂
That’s what I’m thinking.