Was machen andere Leute eigentlich am Wochenende?
Kurz vor ab: der ganze Bekanntenkreis ist so 30-40 Jahre alt, die meisten haben keine Kinder.
So und nun bin ich zb seit gestern an der Ostsee, genieße das Strandleben und hab Bilder gepostet.
Dazu muss ich sagen, das ich jedes Wochenende so was in der Art mache, Radtouren, Wanderungen, Strand, Ostsee, Harz, mal Nordsee auch usw.
Und was passiert Wochenende um Wochenende? Jeder schreibt mir : oh welch tolles Leben du hast, oder wie machst du das bloß ( Zeit/Geld) , sowas hab ich noch nie gemacht usw.
Nun, es kostet nie viel, da ich entweder nur Tagesausflüge mache oder ganz billig ein Zimmer nehme usw. Und Zeit hab ich nun mal jedes Wochenende da 5 Tage Woche.
Und nun frag ich mich immer: was machen die Leute bloß am Wochenende?… Das könnte doch quasi jeder machen? Warum sind die Leute neidisch, das ich sowas mache, wo jeder sich sein Rad nehmen könnte und einen Ausflug an den See machen könnte und nicht mehr als 7 Euro ausgibt für den Eisbecher den man sich dort gönnt.
Jeder Mensch ist in der Lage, seine Wochenenden schön und angenehm mit solchen Dingen wie ich sie mache, zu füllen.
Macht aber keiner…trotzdem neidisch, dass ich das mache?
Das kapiere ich immer nicht….null. Das will in mein Hirn so gar nicht rein.
ich denke immer: die Leute sind nur zu faul, was zu unternehmen, jammern lieber, statt sich zu bewegen?
I / we always enjoy our weekend. However, my husband is at the FFW and therefore usually has to wait on Saturdays. I then sit on the terrace and breakfast, as now. He’ll be back at 13:00 and we’ll do something. Cleaning, washing and co, there is not at the WE. The last few months we had enough to do with the move and the renovation.
We’ll just drive 100 KM for a cup of coffee or a nice ice cup. There’s a lot to explore. But we can also do this as compensation for work. Both full-time jobs we like to do.
For example, I spend my weekends making a nice time at our café for visitors to the Baltic Sea.
Today, blackberries have been picked and the outdoor furniture is clean. Just finish cake. My wife has been busy for a few hours.
And then from 14.00 to 18.00 and hopefully good taste with the guests.
Tomorrow again. And Monday is noon. There’s eggs swinging.
Last vacation 8 years ago.
But as you always like to get out a day. With us last week. This charges the battery and creates beautiful images in the head.
This week in our garden. In the hand a cocktail. The birds are shaking.
It can also be beautiful at home:)
To make visitors a beautiful time is always very time-consuming. You have to like the gastro / hotel business. My husband and I don’t know anything else.
The blackberries are already ripe? Actually, I should go, but it’s too warm.
I think most of your “people” are not jealous, but just want to be nice, maybe they even try to lift your self-esteem a little by giving it a seemingly higher value.
Personally, I think your activities are rather boring, but it’s all the flavor. As our children were younger we often spent the weekends similar, but less beach and hiking and more museums, dripstone caves and old ruins and a short trip abroad (even to London or even Edinburgh).
After a working week, many people are so fixed and finished that they have to recover, have no strength for companies anymore. Z.Part is also reworked in the household: washing, cleaning.
You seem to be healthy and fit, then such weekends are great.
But if you’re just tired, you prefer to sleep, then just lack the energy for something like that, that has nothing to do with lazy.
The money is actually not the decisive one: how you write correctly does not have to cost much.
In principle, people envy you for your energy you still have.
Yes that would be a paragraph
That’s not a envy, that’s nicely meant standards. That’s all.
What else are they supposed to write?
Like, “Shit us with your boring pictures 😴”?
No, of course not. So you write “Oh, you’re good,” or “You’re lucky, I’d like to be there now,” or something like that.
And in the end, that’s exactly the reaction you expect, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t post such photos.
Real envy looks very different. It’s more like it’s mowing around. “Beautiful, but I’d be too boring every day on the beach,” or something.
Well, that’s not a envy, it’s nice Blabla.
And if you want to know what the people from your acquaintance do on the weekend, just ask them.
Most don’t do anything…. so the people I know don’t even do what on holiday, maybe fly on vacation, but don’t do anything there
Yeah, I don’t understand.
Many sleep until 11 and then peel out of the bed and eat breakfast extensively, and until they get into the corridors, it is 13 o’clock and half the day.
I got up at 7:30 am, set me up at 9 am for a round of mountain bike (naturally No E-Bike ðŸ ̃‰) and if I afterwards around approx. 14:00 a.m. back here, I drove a 100 km tour and then I really deserve the afternoon on the sofa and an ice cream. :
But good – everyone should keep it as he wants.
If you’re tired, you can be.
You are right that every person is able to make his weekends beautiful and pleasant when he or she wants. Perhaps the people who write to you are not really jealous, but are admiring you for your adventurous lust and deed. There are many reasons why people do not go as often as you, for example family commitments, health problems, personal preferences or simply lack of motivation. But that doesn’t mean they’re unhappy or don’t let your luck. Everyone has his own way to enjoy life, and you have found yours. This is something you can be proud of.
Thank you
I know, but I don’t think it’s envy, it’s just an excuse. We also always do a lot (despite child and of course mostly with child) and I do a lot of sports. I am often asked (especially because of sports) how I have time despite work and child. But I feel more like it’s an excuse than a envy.
I think so
You just take the time for what is important to you 🙂
Because many people also work Saturday and then spend the free Sunday (if they have it at all) best with relaxing.
That’s exactly why I’m freeing four days at the stucco. Because I work next weekend unfortunately I don’t have money to travel up to date
I have four days of university (two of them long) and three days of work (even after university until 21). After doing something big, I fail with tiredness and motivation. Sunday is either filled with relaxation after the household or meet friends.
Then they shouldn’t pretend they don’t have time. Because on Sundays you could also relax during the trip, like me… nicely looked at the beach, before sunrise, then breakfast on the beach.. no longer relax
Many read!