Was mache ich, wenn die Brutzeit der Blaumeise längst überschritten ist und sie weiter draufsitzt und brütet?
Am 9.4.2019 hat unsere Blaumeise das zehnte Ei gelegt und seitdem auch gebrütet. Doch leider schlüpft nichts. Das Männchen versorgt sie weiter mit Nahrung und zwischendurch hat sie sich auch selbst etwas zu Fressen geholt. Soll ich die Eier entfernen, damit sie nocheinmal anfangen können?
That’s a nonsense!
Just leave everything as it is and do not disturb the breeding process with your curiosity.
Just let nature run freely.
Protecting nature is done with expertise and expertise, but not with stupid, unconsidered, meaningless, useless and populist actions.
The best man can do for nature is to stand out from such things.
The moths do not need any help from you in their brood.
What you do is already the opposite of nature protection, because you are disturbing the natural course of breeding.
The reasons for this are rather useless, because you like doing something here that nature does not need at all!!
Thus, in practice, nature conservation and natural damage by humans is often very close to each other.
Best regards
Birds can consciously prolong the breeding period if, for example, the weather is bad.
Interaction is always bad and the disadvantage of the animals. With me, blue horses have managed to boil in my hornet box (22mm gap) and half filled with nesting material. On top of this is the iron box!
I wanted to see last week whether a hornet queen might get to work and found a blue sea sitting on the nest at half height.
I wouldn’t take a case. Because even if it takes a few days longer, in most cases, there are still a few kisses in the end.
In my box there are 5 cows of 9 eggs hatched.