Was mach Externe App verwenden(Discord Berechtigung)?
Ich stelle zurzeit meinen Discord ein und versuche ihn zu verbessern, aber ich weiß leider nicht, was die Berechtigung ist: “Externe App verwenden”. Ich verstehe bedauerlicherweise auch nichts von dem Text unten drunter. Hier ist nochmal der Text:
Ich bedanke mich schonmal im Voraus fürs Helfen.
LG Noway 28
We had to activate this recently, otherwise the “activities” no longer worked. Before that, “use activities” had enough to work.
Perhaps it was/is just a bug and now it goes back without this permission.
Hey, thanks for your answer.
1. What is meant by “activities”?
And 2. Should this get a normal user or not?
LG Noway 28
If you are in a voice channel, click 4 symbols at the bottom left over your profile image. There where the soundboard is and left next to the soundboard are the activities.
If you want to use activities, yes. Unless only “use activities” is enough.
This refers to the communication with apps/bots and determines whether response messages of the respective app are visible to all or only privately visible to the user.