Was lohnt sich mehr, Kawasaki Z400 oder Z650? Oder doch der KTM Duke 390?

Hallo zusammen🙋‍♂️

Ich würde mir dieses Jahr ein Bike hohlen, für die Kategorie A2(35Kw). Früher oder Später in zwei Jahren wär dann die Offene Prüfung dran. Was lohnt sich Finanzieller mehr? Die Z400 oder die Z650? Was wäre mit der KTM Duke 390?Optisch gefällt er mir nicht wie die Kawasaki’s. Ist aber doch beliebter als ein Kawasaki. Was macht ihn so gut?

Joker Frage: Ab wie viel KM lohnt sich ein Bike nicht mehr in dieser Kategorie?

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Danke im Voraus 😊

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3 years ago

The Kawasakis are both great, very reliable motorcycles. You’re not doing anything wrong with them. High running performance, even over 100,000km, is easily possible with the Kawas.

KTM is more popular among young people, but I have some in the acquaintance who had problems with their vehicles.

Make your decision dependent on the respective offer and dealer.

3 years ago
Reply to  AnonymRobRob

The Z400 is not currently available as a new vehicle. Otherwise, she would be my favorite. It is designed for 48 hp and is easy to play.

Alternatively, I would take the Z650. They have to be strangled and they are a bit heavier but still really great motorcycle.

3 years ago

If I read in the forums as many of their machines, I would rather do it myself.

I know how the machine was treated.

3 years ago

Why? Is financially rather bad and you have to drive them in

3 years ago

I only buy new vehicles from principle.

3 years ago

What is the problem with a used 400 of zb 2018 or so?