Was letzte Preis mob?

Sprechen sich die autoankäufer die auf onlineplattformen sind irgendwie miteinander ab? Hab für ein altes Auto was ich anbiete irgendwie 4 oder 5 ‘interessenten’ (zwischenhändler mit broken german) welche allesamt 2000 bieten aber keine 2100? Da blocken sie dann voll ab. Das erscheint mir gar nicht normal….!? Hat jemand Infos zu dem phänomen?

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1 year ago

This is a competitive market

Although traders work with each other, they do not offer the same bid to the same customer.

but there are a few “handlers” with several accounts providers on classifieds etc. To do this, press for their desired price

1 year ago

The car buyer? It may be that some know each other regionally. But they certainly don’t talk to each other.

1 year ago

The dealers evaluate the vehicles according to the so-called Schwacke list. Since the dealers resort to the same system, the same result also comes out.

More than the price according to the Schwackeliste the dealers usually do not pay. Finally, a buyer must be found for the vehicle.

1 year ago

I can’t imagine. That would have to be all competitors. The question is who wants to make the conclusion more urgent: the one or you. If they would give you 2100€ if you, you will get 1800€!