Was kostet heute eine Pkw-Inspektion (Ford C-Max)?

Nachricht von unserem Erstwagen. 🙂 (Der zweite ist das Beetle-Cabiro, bei dem mir hier bei leerer Batterie vor ein paar Tagen so prima geholfen wurde.)

Wir haben im April 2019 einen gebrauchten Ford C-Max vom Händler gekauft. Kilometerstand ca. 18.000. Der Vertrag beinhaltete eine Garantie für 5 Jahre. Bedingung: Die Inspektionen müssen von einer Ford-Werkstatt gemacht werden. Jetzt stand die erste Inspektion an. Ölwechsel, Wischerblätter usw., was da halt so anfällt. Auch ein Unterbodenschutz mit ca. 300 Euro, der empfohlen wurde.

Summe auf der Rechnung: 1.150

Das hat mich doch etwas von den Socken gehauen. Frage an die Fachleute: Ist das heute halt der Normalpreis oder sollte man besser auf die Garantie verzichten und zur nahen Werkstatt des Vertrauens gehen. Unser Kfz-Meister um die Ecke, freie Werkstatt, ausgesprochen verlässlich, hätte das deutlich günstiger gemacht. Da bin ich ziemlich sicher.

Dank schon hier. P.

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5 years ago

Well, then you’re not the first to fall on the mash of the dealers.

More than 1,000€ for an inspection is already the hammer. Usually you pay between 350€ and 550€ when high.

Guarantee is nice and good but what do I have to pay twice or even three times for inspection?

I’ve been driving a car since I’ve had a few inspections carried out for over 30 years, which were included in the first three with the new purchase of the car. Otherwise, I was never for inspection because a lot of mischief is being done with it and a lot of things are being deducted, which has not been done or is being charged much too expensive. How do you control this as a layman? I can’t!

Then pfeife to the guarantee and if what is not going to the dealer but to a free workshop of your trust.

I always go to the Turks nearby, who only calculates what he really did and the bills are absolutely affordable.

5 years ago

So normally, a small inspection is so in the range 200-400€.

naturally depends on the area, type of workshop (free or contract workshop), the vehicle and the manufacturer.

1100€ seems to me much too much here.

5 years ago

Even for a contract workshop a much too high price. I recommend that you log on to the inscription and cause the problem. This should not be a local price!

5 years ago

Well, that’s anger.

5 years ago

Maintenance work in brand workshops is well overpriced – not only at Ford.
The 300€ underfloor protection must be removed, but 850€ for an inspection? And I thought Toyota was expensive…
The assumption is that the guarantee should be deducted.
You can ask for such a conciliation.

I’d go to the workshop of the least mistrust, but I’m not an “everything insurer.”