Was kostet es eine umfangreiche App programmieren zu lassen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich würde gerne grob wissen, was es kosten würde, eine professionelle App programmieren zu lassen, die umfangreiche Funktionen bietet. Zum Beispiel Videotelefonie, den Kauf von Coins und Ähnliches.
Vielen Dank im Voraus und liebe Grüße!
I’m just referring to programming myself. Further legal (but still necessary) things such as GDPR and the like would be added.
Let’s take a “comprehensive” and “professional” Apply that a team of a reasonable company with 4 developers works for 3 full months. We now take an average daily rate of 900€ (for example 1 senior/lead with 1200€ and 3 juniors with 800€). Then this would be at 60 working days in 3 months: 900€ * 4 developers * 60 days = 216,000€.
I hope this can help you and you can now better assess what such professional software projects can cost.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
such an app would cost a lot of money during development. One factor here would be the security aspect. If you can buy Coins, security mechanisms must be built to protect the owners or prevent a fraud/hooker attack.
As has already been written, it can take months and use several people in development.
What has not yet been mentioned is the cost of maintenance, maintenance and further development of the software.
This depends on the exact functions and how the whole is to be done. You should stop setting a developer for a few months to full time.
In addition, adviser / a lawyer to get legal with the purchases; that won’t be so easy if the app really gets that big. You should also not forget the GDPR if you support so much through the app!