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2 years ago

If you can build such a thing yourself on the junkyard, it might only cost a few euros for the coffee shop.

If you buy one in the accessory, as already described, there is a big price range. But you always have to make sure that the new horn also has an authorisation. And she has room too. Such a three-tone horn with compressor already needs some space.

2 years ago

If you’re just talking about the sound or a manageable change in the volume, you’ll be with 30 to just 100 €. If it is to be a (authorized) fanfare, it probably starts at just over €100.

2 years ago

Hupen / Hörner / Fanfaren buy online cheap | ATP car parts (

depends on which one fits with you and where you change and what the

2 years ago

Depending on what’s going on, between €20 and €1000.

2 years ago

Used toads already available for 30€