Was kostet ein LKW-Anhänger in der Versicherung?
Weiss jemand von euch, Wieviel so ein LKW Anhänger in der Versicherung kostet? Ich meine so einen Anhänger für Wechselbrücken, auch Lafette genannt. Also nicht die ganz großen für die 40 Tonner. Und welche Versicherung bieten so etwas an? Online konnte ich dazu nichts finden.
Danke für Eure Tipps!
Truck locks can usually not be closed online. A lot more factors are considered than a car. That is why it only goes through a broker or insurance agent.
He can give you that. It is important, for example, whether the trailer is in the factory or whether commercial goods are being carried out. Will hazardous goods be transported? Such factors can easily double or triple the contribution.
And of course it also plays a role whether you have insured 1 follower or 50 pieces at the company
The liability insurance for this trailer or semi-trailer is relatively cheap, because this hanger can hardly cause damage independently.