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If you want to use ChatGPT to the full extent that you complete the Plus subscription, you need to pay just under €20 per month. For most tasks, the free account is also enough or you use local LLM instead.
The latter presupposes certain hardware and requires some storage space depending on the language model. However, installation and use is relatively easy. There are once Ollama and a variety of programs that can further simplify it.
Another option would be the Microsoft Edge Browser with its own Microsoft user account. You can also use ChatGPT as well as DALL-E for free. Although somewhat limited, it should be sufficient for most users.
There is free use
There are other AIs
Especially what you want to do with the AI.
ChatGPT is just one variant
It’s free. There is legendary an expanded form. For example, if you attach several things with photos. Or if there were too many questions, but even there you can simply start a ‘new topic’.
However, if the server is overloaded, then the paid enquiries will be treated with preference – but of course it is also clear
Hey 👋
If you’re over 18, I recommend using Gemini.
Otherwise, Copilot is also a good option.
Both can also recognize and create images themselves.
But I wouldn’t spend money on the services.
I think here would be more likely to ask the normal ChatGPT and not the specialized business version
Both Copilot and ChatGPT are based on the GPT-4 architecture, but they have different application areas and functions:
1. Copilot:
Copilot is integrated into various Microsoft products such as Word, Excel and Teams.
It helps with productivity-related tasks such as writing texts, analyzing data and automating routine tasks.
Mainly designed for use in professional and business environments.
Two. ChatGPT:
ChatGPT is an independent application that is accessible via various platforms such as the OpenAI website or apps.
It mainly serves the general conversation, answering questions and Support in a variety of topics.
Width fanned, of Individuals to companies seeking flexible and versatile AI support.
Both systems use the same underlying technology, but their implementation and focus differ depending on the application.
Yes, Copilot. Copilot for the reason that you can use GPT 4 and images free of charge.
These are my experience Best ChatGPT Alternatives. Most can even be tested for free.
it is free