How much does 01806 cost per minute from DT landline?
Broadcasting Contribution Service has a free number that has not been answered for days,
the second number with 01806 ,
what does a minute cost at
the premium rate number?
Broadcasting Contribution Service has a free number that has not been answered for days,
the second number with 01806 ,
what does a minute cost at
the premium rate number?
Hi, I wanted to ask if there's a way I can make calls via WhatsApp Web. Best regards, and thanks in advance 😉
I received a text message from Vodafone. I even took a picture. It says, "Good to know." In the first month, your base price and included services are charged pro rata. What do you mean, exactly? My base price for my mobile phone contract is €44.99. Is this the case for every Vodafone customer?
Hello, I bought a new SIM card from Aldi and registered. When I wanted to create a WhatsApp account, it said I should request a code on my other phone (Huawei Mate 20 RS). But I don't have a Huawei and never have. So I sent a text message and entered the code. Suddenly, I…
Not because of the sound experience or radiation, but because of the price comparison. This is purely for phone calls, not texting, TV, or anything else. With Vodafone, for example, you pay a €10 basic fee plus 0.25 cents per minute. In comparison, with AldiTalk, you pay 0.11 cents per minute without a basic fee,…
Hello, I have a question: where can I find a suitable plastic part online for the SIM card so that I can insert it into my WiFi router? Also for HUAWEI Internet Flex Router B535s Magenta, white
0180er-Vorwahlen: Diese Abrechnungsmodelle gibt es (
was es nicht so alles im Internet für Infos gibt ich bin immer wieder sprachlos
PS: Die Info kann JEDER kostenlos im Internet finden, sofern man ne Suchmaschine bedienen kann
Im deutschen Festnetz: 20 Cent je Anruf
Im deutschen Mobilfunknetz: max. 60 Cent je Anruf
2 sekunden internet…