Was kosten mich täglich 100km mit dem Auto?

Ich wollte mal fragen, ob mir jemand eine Einschätzung geben kann, wie viel Geld es mich kosten würde, jeden Tag etwa 100km und 1,5 Stunden mit dem Auto zu fahren? Das wäre meine Strecke zur Arbeit und zurück. Eingeschlossen die Kfz-Versicherung, die Haftpflichtversicherung und alle anderen Nebenkosten am Auto, was würde ich für 100km täglich an Bezingeld zahlen? Das Auto wäre ein kleiner Gebrauchtwagen mit gutem, also geringem Verbrauch und die Strecke größtenteils Landstraße.

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2 years ago

So I pay for 60 Km daily for work (+ trips in leisure) just under 60 € every two weeks.

It depends of course also on the car and on longer distances you also consume less than on short distances.

I think you’d have to count on a tank filling every 10 days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leon678ml

Total way back and forth.

2 years ago

with everything reckoning about the 30 cents per kilometre, small used cars are more unsuitable, you want to drive around the 40000km a year, just to work, that’s more like a larger diesel than a small city flitzer. In addition, you should also keep and maintain such a vehicle regularly, not very cheap.

2 years ago

7 liters of consumption per 100 km

there would consume 7 liters times 2€ per liter means 14€ per day


20 working days we would be at € 280 per month on Sprit

2 years ago
Reply to  jentolon

But these are just the fuel costs. There is so much for the other costs. Insurance, obscure, loss of value…

2 years ago
Reply to  Bomberos911

yes, only the fuel costs

2 years ago

Find the numbers you can only know and just figure it out.

Here no one can see how much fuel your car consumes, what the insurance costs etc. incl. Reserves for wear/repair.

2 years ago

20-30 €

2 years ago

What is good consumption? We don’t have a glass ball…

5Liter to 100 or 7.5 L make a difference. And you should be able to calculate that yourself, right?

2 years ago

Depending on the car you can count 30-50 cents per km.

2 years ago

Would appreciate about 11 euros of gasoline consumption.