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2 years ago

What is the difference between the gas phase and the supercritical phase at temperatures above the critical temperature or what sense makes the (formal?) distinction between gas-shaped and supercritical, where there is apparently a continuous transition in this region.


Differences between the area right of Pc below and above?

2 years ago
  1. What does a state of aggregate mean?
  2. What are the three aggregate states and their names?
  3. What is the aggregate state of a body dependent on?
  4. What are the characteristics of a fixed aggregate state?
  5. What is called the process from a solid to a liquid aggregate state?
  6. What are the characteristics of a liquid aggregate state?
  7. What are the characteristics of a liquid aggregate state?
  8. What are the characteristics of a gaseous aggregate state?
  9. What are the terms “sublimation” and “resublimation”?
  10. What is the speciality of water?
2 years ago

Just count the 6 aggregate states and their properties.

2 years ago
Reply to  AnnukaSi

There are only three aggregation states when you are drained from plasma. Eas you probably mean the aggregate state changes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex2000235

Also meant the other non-classic aggregate states. But for general education the classic 3 😉