Was könnte man an meinem Setup verbessern bzw. verändern damit es nich besser aussieht?

Das hier ist mein Setup

Ist aber nicht fertig also nicht wundern ,Monitor ist bestellt🤣

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1 year ago

Good afternoon.

Better? Since the letter “i” is next to the “o”, you probably mean “yet”^^

But you never know. Some people want the exact opposite.

I find your setup and the “cleane” environment beautiful. I like the white plates on the wall. Look good. White black. Nice, clean, clean. Housing fits the wall and the table. Monitor for keyboard and mouse. Nice.

You have a “LED” remote control on the table, I assume that you’ve already been playing with light with something optical.

It also depends on what you want. For example, I don’t have to put much money in the environment, but rather focus on the inner life of PCs. Before buying a case for 700 €, I prefer to put the money in a CPU or GPU.

For “CLEAN” I would remove everything else from me and turn it from KABEL to FUNK. So you don’t see ugly cables on the table. I have already removed plants with me. Your table lamp is also black, so fits well to the keyboard etc.

Other accents (blue duck) do not fit. The sweet VW bus is cool, but somehow doesn’t fit. At least not in my mind under my conditions.

Wireless headphones and boxes with interface also position differently.

But, tastes and applications are different.

If you like it this way, and it doesn’t stop efficiency, then leave it. You don’t need a “gaming chair” either, just because it’s “IN”.

1 year ago
Reply to  KampfFanta

Sure, but it’s just my opinion. “Funk” meant wireless mouse, keyboard and headphones. Well, if you have to, you can’t see the cable salad anymore. So Wireless Mouse&Keyboard Set, wireless headphones.

1 year ago

Yeah, right. I saw. I was referring to the smart mouse, keyboard. I just noticed. Don’t have to. I’ve been doing this here so I can’t get a cable salad.

1 year ago

so no better, go almost nich

1 year ago
Reply to  Hafnafir

RGB strip and possibly the Pc on the table especially when the Pc has a disc

1 year ago

So that it looks worse?

Well, go to the organic dumpster and get the nasty things out and distribute them on the PC.

1 year ago

It doesn’t look like gaming, it actually looks okay, but if you want gaming then I’d change pretty much everything. I find it strange that all is white but keyboard and so black is. Then I’d rather be completely white.

1 year ago

A new monitor. He looks old.

1 year ago

The monitor

1 year ago

Buy LED’S or nh LED keyboard + LED mouse

1 year ago

Just everything.