Was könnte man als Hochzeitsfotograf noch von den Steuern absetzen?
Guten Tag,
ich habe hier eine kleine Checkliste anfertigen lassen, damit auch wirklich alle Ausgabenkosten an das Finanzamt weitergeleitet werden, um die korrekte Einkommensteuer im Nachhinein bezahlen zu müssen. Die Ausgabenkosten sind wie gefolgt gestaffelt:
– Kameraausrüstungen & Ersatzteile
– Werbekosten auf Facebook etc.
– Webseite und E-Mail kosten
– Jahresrechnung der Handwerkskammer
– Jahresrechnung von Adobe Photoshop
– Fahrtkostenabrechbungen zum Kunden
– Das Erstgespräch im Restaurant (Restaurantrechnungen)
– Telefon & Internet
– Firmenhandy
– Parkplatzgebühren
Fallen euch vielleicht noch weitere Ausgabenkosten ein, die eventuell als Hochzeitsfotograf essenziell wären???
Ich bin als Kleinunternehmer eingetragen und arbeite Hauptberuflich als Angesteller in Vollzeit.
Grüße aus der Hauptstadt
only 70%
Even if you use this privately
KFZ is a subject for itself (service private car vs private car used)
are also such a few things that Operating expenditure are.
Great, thank you.
But what exactly are depreciations?
Grob said: All that is not a low-quality economic asset (GWG).
If you buy a new car for 30,000,- you can’t pay €30,000.- The car would be written over 6 years (5,000,- € this and the next 4 years if purchase in January).
These are questions you should ask a tax advisor!
Operating expenses are expenses incurred in a company on the basis of operational activity, so they must be in charge of operation. They can either be deducted completely or partially from the operating income. They also reduce the profit of a company.
You need a job at home to be able to edit or edit the photos. Invoices/website etc. If you have a working room, you can bring the costs here. Share then also rent, electricity and heating.
You will also be photo books or Print photo prints. Calculate these costs naturally.
Hello, thank you for the answer.
Unfortunately, I am not qualified for the home office package. The tax office insists that at least one room must be used as a work room. There are no private items in the study. Since we only have a 3-room apartment, it will not be possible to create a study room for lack of space.
In fact, the last three years I have only received one request, whether I also have photos printed, etc. Demand is actually at almost zero in today’s time, which has surprised me very much…
Do you have a photograph?
This will only be recognized if you have orders (i.e. revenue). You can also drop advertising costs or where do you get the orders?
Office material: envelopes, copying paper,
postage, stamps, stamps
Accounting costs
Bank charges
Photo paper – or are you doing everything digital?
Hi, thank you for the answer!
Especially digital.