Was könnte ich zu essen kaufen was richtig satt macht?
( am besten ohne selber zu kochen weil bin nicht gut im kochen , also halt von einem laden/Restaurant )
Hi Leute, ich wollte mal so richtig mit Ernährung durchziehen und den ganzen Drum und Dran. Ich bin grad 17 Jahre alt und wieg gerade 80-81KG und bin 1,84 groß. Ich glaube ich bin dieses Skinnyfat, weil man bei mir sieht das ich bisl pummliger bin, aber für die Größe ist ja das Gewicht glaub…
Hallo Ich bin ein absolutes morgen Muffel und ich hasse es frühstück zu essen (keine Essstörungen oder sowas). Jedenfalls bin ich nicht die dünnste Person und ich mache mir ein wenig Sorgen da ich lange kein Frühstück mehr gegessen habe. Ich habe immer nur Abend und Mittagessen gegessen. Jedenfalls spüre ich jetzt schon meine Rippen…
Hallo zusammen, ich war kürzlich in Bayern und habe zum ersten Mal Weißwürste probiert. Dabei habe ich die Haut mitgegessen, was wohl nicht die traditionelle Art ist. Jetzt bin ich neugierig: Wie esst ihr eure Weißwürste? Zuzelt ihr sie, schneidet ihr die Haut ab, oder esst ihr die Haut manchmal sogar mit? Ich würde mich…
Interessiert mich einfach😏
Frohe Weihnachten zusammen. Ich habe gestern ein Stück Schäufele (bereits gepökelt und leicht geräuchert) gekocht. Hierzu wird das Fleisch in einem Weinsud gar gezogen. Wie kann ich das Fleisch nun im Kühlschrank lagern, dass es noch ein paar Tage hält? Weiterhin im Sud? Aus dem Sud entfernen und möglichst trocken?
salads large fresh salads with lots of vegetables and proteins such as chicken tuna or beans are very saturating
Soups and stews are often rich in vegetables and proteins and keep long fed
Full grain products sandwiches or wraps filled with whole grain bread or tortilla with proteins such as chicken fish or hummus
Yoghurt and Greek Quark These are rich in protein and last longer
Fruit apples pears or berries are saturating uand healthy
A bio-dinner for 15 to 18 euros.
Ne 7 euro
I can recommend the Indian. Whether butter chicken, curry (no matter whether with paneer so be cheese or meat) or also palak the spinach sauce. For this, they always serve rice and for 2-3€ one often gets a decent portion of naan. Because I eat two days.
It’s always delicious.
If you don’t want to cook, you can z. something hearty like a burrito, döner, wraps or a bowl – they usually do well. Also a covered baguette, sushi or pasta from a restaurant/shop nearby could fit.
Something with rice, potatoes or noodles. Carbs are getting tired quickly.
But above all, they’re getting tired!
Good addition 🙂
Bami Goreng from Frosta.
A little baked with cheese and cream.
But don’t get tired.
Sure, it’s a long time.
Why not? I am saturated with such rich stuff for a long time.
Depends on what you’re overcrowding. I always like to make a broccoli chicken run-up which is baked with proper cream and even more cheese.
There are potatoes for this, although the ascent would keep me fed for a very long time, only more of them would have to eat.
Oh, you’re the answerant. I was reading it.
I have answered the FS here and I don’t have to discuss with you about events.
I don’t cook ups. But that is not the subject of the question either.
And why are you so mixed up on my answer?
You have to deal with this with the responder. He only wrote “something” – whatever that may be. I don’t care. It was here – I repeat myself – primarily about cream and cheese.
Then you’ll overload your oil.
Now, because it stuffs, I don’t write the other ingredients. Usually, vegetables, carbohydrates and often also meat are in circulation.
Or do you want to say that cream baked with cheese is a run-up?
I’m not against taking fat. I never said that. On the contrary, our body needs fat to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Cheese and cream are animal fats that our body does not really need. Rapese or olive oil are better.
What is this half truth? The body needs fat. We cannot form the fatty acids obtained from this, which is, among other things, the reason why malnutrition can be died if you eat exclusively rabbit meat.
I would agree that cream is not the best supplier of fats now, but fat is vital and for me personally this is also an efficient energy supplier that lasts long.
But certain nutrients are all digested differently, my father, for example, stays tired of these Asian noodle boxes forever, according to what I can eat 30 minutes later.
The focus of the answer is on cheese and cream.
A run-up consists not only of the sauce and the coating. Did you know?
In cream and cheese is a lot fat. This does not need your body. Fat alone doesn’t get tired.
then you have to
That’s what you order for me. These noodle boxes run through me like water.
There I can eat again 30 minutes later, although the probably good 1000kcal per serving have as generous as the portions are always.
Jaa’s right. Noodle boxes are not good. That egg yolk just as little. Are just carbohydrates and that was
Satt make
Breakfast: oatmeal or baked bread
Lunch: (warm) potatoes, rice, noodles – what you have to cook. And what is not difficult to cook!
Evening: Knäcke or Vollkornbrot
However, this is only the basis. There are fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and small things like jam, sausage, cheese …
Sushi Maki.