Was könnte ich in Adventskalender tun für…?

…meinen Mann und meine Söhne? Ich möchte zum ersten mal Adventskalender basteln aber weiß nicht was ich da rein tun soll 😅

mein Mann freut sich eigentlich über alles vor allem wenn es aus Liebe ist.

meine Söhne sind da etwas anders. Sie sind 12 und 16 und gehören zu der Zocker Truppe 😅 allerdings finden die beiden ausgefallene Sachen auch interessant womit man was anfangen kann, womit man beschäftigt ist.

und vielleicht hättet ihr auch ein paar coole bastel Ideen oder Seiten für Adventskalender basteln

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2 years ago

For the boys!
– Coupon! for a technical load to Nikolaus tag!
A BAstell Artickel Modelbau for example! this can also spread over several days!
Süssel also should be packed later!
Lots of a book! and just money!
For your husband!
A meal!
Shaving water!
A Day Trip Aleine to Zweit
If coupons are often also a day of bathing in the swimming pool this could all get there
There’s also a lot of people there. Ultimate list of over 125 ideas to fill an advenst calendar (liebeschenken.net)

UNd here BAstel tipp page

Advent calendar itself – 60 instructions | BRIGITTE.de

Advent calendar basteln: 15 wonderful Christmas ideas to make a bliss

2 years ago

In any case, something holdable so that it is not yet moldy in December!

2 years ago

Auweia, but you have given us a task, as no one knows your three men better than you.🥵

So you need 3×24 ideas!😳

For your husband

  1. maybe two or three miniatures of good fragrance water!
  2. A voucher for a candlelight dinner (the guys are sent to Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend)!
  3. A beautiful shaving brush (roof hair) when it shaves wet!
  4. A whimper (should be a joke)
  5. A new mobile phone case
  6. A few delicious chocolates (e.g. Heinemann)
  7. A mobile phone holder for the car

For your sons, I have to think of something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hormiga2021

At least a hit! Isn’t bad for a blind person (I don’t know your husband, right?😇

2 years ago
  • Beautiful pictures
  • Small gifts
  • Chocolate or biscuits
  • Vilt small things that can be used in life at some point or for the future
  • Small vouchers
  • Money
2 years ago

Batteries and condoms 🙂