Was kônnte ich haben?
Hallo es Mir zwar es unangenehm aber vielleicht kennt sich jemand aus oder hatte selber damit Erfahrung seit einer Woche leide ich unter starkem Juckreiz am After und in der Vagina. Meine Vagina ist von innen extrem rot und es brennt. Was kann man dagegen tun. Die Frauenärztin will mir nicht so schnell ein Termin geben
Probably a fungal infection. She has nothing to do with lack of hygiene. A small hormone change can trigger something like that.
Ask in the pharmacy whether there are prescription-free products. You don’t have to be ashamed as pharmacists always take you seriously.
Otherwise you can also order something in the online pharmacy.
Natural yoghurt would be a home remedy, which also works well.
Great success 🙃
Probably a fungal infection. In the pharmacy ointment and suppositories get (e.g. Canesten Gyn) if it does not get better Go to the doctor at the latest
Sounds like a vaginal mushroom
You don’t have to be embarrassed, you can get yourself in a toilet.
Ask in the pharmacy, in my knowledge you get a recipe-free one. If it’s too unpleasant on site, just call the ladies and gentlemen know something like that. No one condemns you
Even if someone has the same symptoms, it does not have the same cause.
Ask yourself, in peace, your Inner Master, what you changed, where you were, possibly new wash powder????? He gives you the answer, by intuition, in the brain.